Angela Watson's Truth for Teachers

Education #159Courses #4

Truth for Teachers is designed to speak life, encouragement, and truth into the minds and hearts of educators and get you energized for the week ahead.

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Recent Reviews
  • vgp0702
    Smart, Relatable, Actionable
    I’ve listened to Angela Watson’s podcast for a number of years, and what I always find is that she is addressing the issues and concerns that I am facing- not only as a teacher- but as a human being trying to make my way through this life with thoughtfulness, compassion, and grace. She is down-to-earth, yet wise in what she shares. Her words and suggestions have been a real help to me many times over the years! This is a great podcast for teachers- and others, too!
  • Nick12323453456
    Wonderful Learning
    I’ve been teaching now for 8+ years and I am the teacher I’ve become in part to the amazingly thoughtful guidance I received from Angela Watson’s podcast.
  • KaraEmily
    Essential. Brilliant. Compassionate.
    If only I had a resource like Angela and her dynamic teaching/coaching many years ago, then I think my teaching journey would have been a very different one. Ultimately, I have walked away from education/teaching (repeatedly), but this podcast and Angela’s wisdom helped not only make my professional life better but also myself. Her work is enlightening, challenging paradigms and inspiring new possibilities.
  • Dulci86
    Angela Watson’s voice in my ear has literally prevented me from quitting on several occasions. She has such a unique ability for reframing and refreshing the challenges of this career.
  • ElJoeman
    Challenging norms
    This podcast teaches educators to properly examine established norms and to become more positive and optimistic towards teaching in the classroom. Transformative change seeps through this podcast. I’m grateful and made better by listening, pondering, and implementing norm questioning changes that help our kids.
  • hshanell
    Just a sales pitch
    I watched the most recent episode about using AI to have a 40 hour work week. In the beginning she went over the results of an online survey about teacher opinions concerning AI. The opinions or survey did not address any strategies for reducing work load. After that, very little information was given. It was mostly just a sales pitch for her other products about AI.
  • Bethie D
    Paradigm shift
    Angela’s podcast is one of the highlights of my week. I love the way she challenges educators to challenge the norms of the modern American classroom. While I don’t always agree with her, she always makes me think. She is a gift to the profession.
  • Cmpon
    Thought provoking and so helpful
    A coworker recommended this podcast to me. It has provided so many surprising insights that I have not considered even after 25 years of teaching. I especially loved episode 271 about examining what tasks to focus on and considering relaxing standards to do B+ work. As an overachiever, this. Halle he’s me to examine what the priorities are.
  • AllisonDrew
    Helpful, Relevant
    Angela is the champion of work smarter not harder. So many great ideas.
  • ShadowOfMidnai
    Thank you.
    I enjoy listening to these on my way to work. Every summer I repeatedly listen to my 40 hour tww materials as motivation to get ahead. I’m so excited that my plans are in playbook for the first semester, and I am listening to Awakenings now. I am bipolar, but I never bothered with therapy, just meds. I am loving your encouraging words as I face the end of my summer. They give me hope that my year quality begins and ends with me.
  • Jamie654
    Soooo good!
    I’ve been devouring this podcast for the past few months and am so excited to start the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek this summer! I love what Angela has to share about mindset shifts to help teachers thrive alongside their students. I connect so deeply with her message and appreciate being able to get a daily dose of inspiration with her podcast. Thanks, Angela!
  • betsy.j.scott
    Even the Episodes I Thought Were Irrelevant
    I literally love every episode. Even the ones I assume will be irrelevant are helpful, and literally everything is actionable. Angela, this is a winning podcast. 5 stars.
  • Disappointed585
    Out of touch with today’s teacher
    How long ago was Angela in the classroom?? Why would you give advice to teachers to when you couldn’t even handle being in the classroom before? She has no idea what it’s actually like now. It’s time for Angela to find something new.
  • April327
    A+ Podcast Voice
    As a teacher, Angela’s podcast voice and encouragement for educators is more relaxing than a guided meditation, plus I end each episode more mindful of my practice and in a better headspace.
  • Lexis0613
    Long time listener & recommender
    I highly recommend TfT to all educators. I have conducted book studies using her books. Her voice is strong, calming and strives to truly support teachers AND students.
  • hotpinkpina
    Realistic yet uplifting
    Not much more to add except that I always return to this podcast when I need to reinvigorate my passion for teaching.
  • Lacie.Perras
    Can’t get enough
    I love Angela and this podcast! Lifesaver for a first year teacher here!! If you haven’t send the email to get a personalized playlist I highly recommend doing that!! Thanks to you Angela!
  • obacker19
    Inspiring and Energizing! 👏
    Regardless of where you are on your teaching journey - Angela is a must-listen voice along the way. Whether you’re looking for actionable advice to break through a current plateau, or just need a reminder that you can do this *and* it’ll be worth it on the other side - she’ll help you get there. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
  • pm400111
    Retiring but staying with Angela
    I am retiring this year from public school but am continuing to work with teachers by facilitating workshops and serving as a PD specialist for a large ed tech company. I still find Angela’s podcasts so relevant and helpful for anyone in the education field and plan to continue listening and following! Such trending and needed topics! Thanks, Angela! I discovered you years ago and am grateful for your work!
  • CalifaGringa
    A must-listen for new teacher, veterans, and a sustainable career!
    I’ve been a major fan of Angela Watson for at least 9 years now. When I was in my 12th year of teaching, I became an alumni of the 40 hour teacher work week. I return to Angela’s systems and resources time and time again, but I listen for her blend of pragmatic solutions and candor (I LOVE when she speaks from the heart, the authenticity resonates!). We’ve listened to her podcasts for Dept staff PD, and I use the the “it won’t be easy, it’ll be worth it” mantra with my AP Spanish students. Her and her team’s podcast helped me maintain my sanity through distance teaching, and while our school transitioned to a block schedule. The content always evolves and reflects what her community asks for more of, and offers new ideas and voices in education worth listening to. Angela and her contributors acknowledge the challenges of public education, offer strategies, and eschew toxic positivity, with areas of inclusion of all teachers in all contexts. This podcast and its balance of support for teacher-guilt or burnout, mindfulness/mindset tools with optimism and advocacy is a must. Thank you for all you make available!!
  • lindsdm
    I’ve been a high school teacher for over 10 years but I am still gathering simple tips to help me live a more balanced life. I also love that these are shorter and get right to the point. A must listen for teachers who don’t want to get burnt out!
  • annmcoates
    What every teachers needs right now
    Angela Watson is what every teacher needs right now! She is thoughtful, insightful, realistic, and just plain kind. Listen to this podcast for everything from lesson plans and technology hacks to mindset changes you will not be sorry!
  • SF TK teachr
    Life-changing for educators!
    Angela Watson’s Truth for Teachers is a must-listen for educators of all grade levels. As an educator for 30 years, the podcast makes me feel seen, heard, and validated. Angela also offers tried and true tips for working smarter not harder.
  • GeauxAng
    So thankful for this podcast
    As a teacher at a great school in a struggling district, in one of the lowest performing states in the country, I often worry about my access to the most current research and ideas in education. This podcast keeps me grounded in my belief that a teacher is the most important person in the room. A stressed kindergartner teacher is not as emotionally available to their classroom full of little learners. This podcast gives me the tools I need to stay grounded, take care of myself as a teacher, and therefore be the best teacher I can be every day. Thank you for normalizing the idea that teacher mental health is so important not just for teachers, but mostly for our students’ emotional well being and academic success.
  • mmlutz
    Informative and Validating
    Angela does an awesome job of presenting information, acknowledging teacher burn out and obstacles, and giving tangible things that you can apply in your classroom!
  • 213-6th grade
    Awesome! It is a great podcast for teachers struggling to do it all. I’m starting my 15th year of teaching and still growing as an educator. Whenever colleagues approach me about mindset, classroom management concerns, instructional techniques…I share this podcast (and Angela’s books and website). Highly recommend!!
  • AlliValle
    Best Teaching Podcast
    I love that this podcast is never focused on complaining about our profession. Angela Watson offers insights for educators in a gentle manner. Her guests are all so well-informed and have relevant advice to share as well. My only complaint is that I only get one episode a week! My first year of teaching, I listened to an episode almost every morning on my way into school. I’m so thankful for this podcast; it’s episodes have had a tremendous positive impact on my life, my peace of mind, and my teaching practices. Thank you Angela!
  • Saraelmej
    This changed the way I look at my job as a teacher! Very helpful. Thank you!
  • Rae Lifeguard
    Helpful advice
    This podcast is great! I love the advice that Angela gives and found that the overwhelming majority of it has been helpful to me in my work. I also find her voice soothing, for what that’s worth. I’m subscribed and I look forward to hearing her work again soon!
  • EairBear
    Practical and encouraging
    I found this podcast last school year when I was looking for encouragement. It has impacted me in such a positive way that I have signed up for the 40 hour program this summer. Angela has excellent advice and I love how she is supporting teachers with real problems and solutions. I can literally relate to so many of the episodes. Angela, thank you so much for pouring your heart into this work! YOU are making a difference, and I truly appreciate your efforts!
  • scarfk
    Great Way to Focus on Your Why
    The last few years have been so hard in education but when I am especially frustrated I can always count on this podcast to bring me right back to center. As a 40 hour member I have gained so much all while cleaning my house, exercising or working in my classroom. Thank you for being that REAL voice for what is going on and having a vision to aspire to!
  • peppstep
    Great summer listening
    Truth for Teachers informs me about what’s going on in classrooms beyond my region. So important!
  • Christmas Fun 2
    Thought provoking!
    I always find my perspective broadened by Angela’s insights , questions and challenges. Although I am retired from public education and homeschool now , through this podcast I am connected to the strengths, needs and hopes of the wider educational community. Thank you !
  • marty_champinone
    Honest and healing
    I love Angela’s transparency and encouragement. She always seems to talk about what I need to hear as a teacher. Recommend for all teachers!
  • Hanya W
    Best PD you can find!
    Seriously so worth the listen! Every episode leaves me feeling seen (Angela is honest about the never-ending challenges of education), but also encouraged (there’s so many practical suggestions!). I consistently find myself recommending Angela’s work to other educators.
  • Just Doing Her Best! JBNYC
    Thank you!!
    I recently discovered this podcast and am so grateful. I am in my fourth year of teaching and find myself continuously doubting whether my progressive philosophies towards student learning are valid, but this podcast helps me recognize what’s truly important and validate my thoughts. I learn something new every episode! Thank you!
  • Ms.WilliamsA
    This has been something I listen to everywhere I drive. I’m a PreK first year teacher at a majority Hispanic community, I am experiencing a new first year experience, teaching first year through COVID. I’m teaching students that have never been in a classroom before, do not know what a line is, are being taught the basics, and this podcast lifts me up and brings joy. Thank you.
  • msklvr
    I depend on this podcast to feel rejuvenated when I need positivity, inspiration and strategies. I can’t tell enough teachers about how meaningful this podcast is to me! Thank you for the work that you do, Angela and crew!!
  • Avra Robinson
    First Time Listener - will be back!
    Working to learn more about supporting English Learners in the classroom, I followed a link and discovered this podcast. I listened to Episode 241 from October 31, 2021. It was fabulous. Angela is caring and compassionate, knowledgeable and articulate. Her guest, Houa Yang-Xiong, shared many amazing insights into the minds and hearts of English Learners. The episode was both insightful and engaging. I will be listening to more! Thank you for your service to educators, Angela and Houa! 💙
  • MamaSooze
    Great Support for Higher Ed
    I am a Community College Composition Professor, and this podcast has helped me so much! Although higher Ed has very different work week structures than K-12, the workload for college English is tremendous. This podcast has helped with finding work/life balance and rethinking my priorities to make room for my own interests and self-care. Thank you!
  • Mel9494
    Amazing Podcast
    Amazing podcast
  • Liza DeWitt
    I am a 5th year teacher and have worked in public, charter and independent schools in California. Teaching is such a particular profession and it’s hard for non-teachers to understand the ebbs and flows of what we go through on a daily basis. Not only does Angela deeply understand the profession but she is so reflective, responsive and supportive to educators everywhere. She always seems to say exactly what I need to hear, when I need to hear it. This is the best investment you could make with your time on a Sunday. It always gives me ideas and sets my mind straight for the week. Thank you for all you do, Angela. If you’re not sure about it, give it a listen, I don’t think you’ll regret it.
  • Mendy416
    Long time listener
    I listen every week. Thank you for helping me to keep positive and keep moving forward.
  • Mandytastic
    Worth your time
    Can’t recommend enough! Great resource. Also, her 40 hour workweek club vastly improved my quality of life!
    4th Grade Teacher
    Angela changed my life years ago with the 40 Hour Teacher Work Week Club! My kids even recognized her voice. Now I look forward to her weekly podcasts of inspiration to help me reframe my workweek! Thank you!!!
  • Healthy Farm Girl
    Amazing teacher podcast!
    I still get so much out of listening to this podcast, even in my last year of teaching. I wouldn’t miss it!
  • QueenK613
    Practical, Inspiring, and Knowledgable
    As a middle school ESOL teacher, I’m often wary of general education/teaching strategies. But, Angela Watson is Amazing. Her strategies work. They are applicable to my classroom. She is honest in how hard teaching is and practical because she does come up with ways to streamline the work.
  • Abbeymorgan
    Thank you for this podcast.
  • D. Griebel
    Angela Watson’s podcast
    Angela Watson’s podcast and “40-Hour Teacher Work Week” program have been invaluable to me as an educator. She has changed my life!
  • EmpoweredEvie
    Excellent podcast for educators!
    I am a big fan of Angela. She was in the trenches for years as an elementary school teacher and brings that perspective into every episode. Angela shares her passion and enthusiasm for teachers. I love her advice and take a ways. She truly cares about the whole the teacher... body, mind, and spirit. This podcast is always uplifting and inspiring! Thank you, Angela!
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