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TsmokeyFinally!!!After searching most of my life to make sense of things in my Catholic faith, Catholic grade school, Catholic all girls high school and Jesuit university, Fr Rohr has clarified a broader understanding of what it means to be Christian. Catholicism is a complex, contradictory, and archaic faith that once you can see the teachings of Jesus through the eyes of Fr Rohr finally it makes sense. There is nothing better you can do to understand the words of Jesus.
DancingMmmyI love these homiliesFather Rohr brings peace to my heart.
180markHomiliesMiss the homilies! They help get me through the week……
silver luluMiss the homiliesHope Fr Richard is ok. Praying for his health.
ignantbanker???What happened to the homilies?
DpiiiiusAre we living in a different world?That title is for all of the confused other reviewers - clearly the homilies stopped on March 7, 2020 because we’ve been in a global pandemic since March 14, 2020. I don’t understand how that’s not obvious to everyone 😂😂🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️
Becoming WiseThank you and questionThese homilies are just what we need for these times. Like other reviewers, I am wondering why the podcasts stopped in March 2020- now 9 months ago. I have made a donation to the Center for Action and Contemplation, in case funding is an issue.
#O'LearyStrongHomiliesWhy have the Homilies stopped? Have I missed moving to another site? I have listened to these over and over. Each time I learned something new. In Gratitude, Patty O’Leary Cunningham
fhfjrtyurjgkfyjAllThank you!!!!!
scpea2020Hope all wellJust wondering why then podcasts stopped in March... thank you for all the light and depth of faith shared by Fr Rohr!
M of MLife Coming to a FocusWow, I loved Fr Rohr’s explanation of this gospel. I especially love the part about the disappointment of “not telling anyone”. It really explains how “true transformation” can only be experienced. It cannot be taught-no matter how well someone else tries to teach it. It must be experienced and lived. Love and suffering are the vehicles to this transformation and they are not different. They (love and suffering) are necessary to each other. And they are necessary for us to become focused in life to what really matters-the few things that really matter. It is true-God has a Hand in all of this corona virus crisis. Our suffering, and love, are bringing us closer to ONEness in the world. God is still and always has been in control. Hope is alive!
dwelotisTransfigurationThat’s good stuff is an understatement! I am so grateful for this podcast.
BagelBaxterInspirationalIf there were more priests like Richard Rohr I would not have left the Catholic Church!
lewisheA lessor orthodox that should be front and centerFather Rohr offers humble and healing gospel message sorely needed in the world today. It is based on theology deeply rooted in scripture and his Franciscan calling. I saw one reviewer mistakenly identify him as anti capitalist (equating capitalism with free marketplace-they can at times work in conjunction together but they are not synonymous concepts) and pro Marxist (with the implication that this is the only alternative to capitalism) with a liberation theology(a fairly new Protestant theology) agenda...Not only is it not true it sadly struck me that this person is still stuck in fear based transactional theology and it can be very frightening to have those parameters reflected back and challenged. I encourage anyone who feels challenged when listening, to prayerfully consider why. I heard it said that good theology should comfort the discomforted and discomfort the comfortable... So if you are comfortable in your ivory tower then prepare to be challenged but he will always point you towards grace in the end.
Mom who donatesLightFr. Richard knows what’s up. He is not afraid to speak directly to the misguided motivations and messages of an often times clueless “capitalistic christianity” that has been allowed to colonize western culture. He is a voice of reason interpreting Scripture in a way that is humbling while remaining compassionate to ours and his own humanity. This guy is the real deal - authentic and open and unafraid to allow God to speak through him and with him. Keep up the good!
Bodinski53Worth A ListenFather Richard’s homilies are packed full of wonderful reflections and insights. They have played a part in opening my heart to the love of God for both myself and those around me.
Mi-marieWonderful WordsI love how Father Richard just makes a point plainly. It’s clear, understandable, & rich with wisdom. May God continue to bless him as Father Richard has immensely blessed me.
cmcseekerSo needed!Hearing Fr. Rohr’s voice and wisdom is such a boon to our troubled times. His prescription for spiritual transformation effects real inner growth. Trust it!
Nay-Nay A.Short Sermons Say MoreI’m struck by how profound a short sermon/homily can be. More is said with less words than a longer sermon with more words. His sermon from June 17th “Littleness Over Bigness” is one of the most impactful sermons I have ever heard…and it’s only 5 minutes long!!
elziselkFr. Richard RohrI absolutely love Fr. Richard Rohr. He is a true Christian and Catholic Theologian of our times. Listening to and reading his books have changed my life for the better! His view of a transactional religion needing to be an internal, meditative and experiential spirituality hits the mark for me! We HAVE gotten it wrong for 2,000 years! If we had it right there wouldn’t be the chaos that there is now in the world! Love your neighbor as yourself means everyone and not just people who are like you!
MetaphizxMarxist agenda perverting the Kingdom of GodA friend of mine sent me a link to Rohr's homily titled "Capitalist Economy and Gift Economy." After listening to it, I agree with Rohr in that it is every Christian's responsiblilty to care for the poor. Unfortunately, he grossly misrepresents Capitalism (free market) as a system of taking and keeping score (straw man). What's the alternative (marxist socialism) where the government "takes" and "keeps" and impovrishs nearly everyone, but the elite. Capitalism allows individuals the opportunity to give out of love and generosity, rather than guilt and compulsion to government programs. It's not a perfect system, nor should it be combined with the gospel. After some research I discovered that Rohr and his buddy Jim Wallis are heavily influenced by Liberation Theology. In short they cloak their marxist beliefs in gospel terms. He teaches a social justice political agenda that divides people into the "Haves" and "Have-Nots". Do your own homework and study the history of Liberation Theology, before you buy into this lie. Also see Dallas Willard's book the Divine Conspiracy for a better understanding of the Sermon on the Mount. It's not a being poor is not a meritorious position (legalism), but God loves and can save you despite your poverty.
threechickens9Love this so muchAlways inspires me, provokes thought and expands my heart. Richard Rohr always connects me to something deeper and bigger about God and Love and Christ. I am so grateful for these homilies. I see the richness and depth of the Bible in ways I never did before, and have so much more awe and appreciation for the profound lessons.
JLCC03So needed these daysExcellent, soul and heart lifting. Thank you!
luckydogmamaThanks be to God—really!Ditto. Long live Richard and his words! Thank you Richard for helping us cut through the crap and know the real Gospel!
Papa SuecoYesThat this man can say so much and “open the scriptures to us” in such a dynamic and practical way in a 10-15 minute sermon is remarkable to say the least. Long live Fr Richard!
jay assassinTruthMr Rohr speaks the truth that most church’s need right now
SuzMayoInspiringFr Richards wisdom reaches my soul and sets me on a path of communion with all humanity. I find myself loving people that I have the most trouble with. Thank you for making his homilies public! What a blessing!
Dragonfly❤️Renews my faith!In my late teens I read Thomas Mertons Seven Story Mountain and it was life altering. Mertons blend of western and eastern meditation traditions set the foundation of my faith journey. Having Fr. Rohr to listen to in podcasts and read in Daily Meditations has revived and reinforced and reinvigorated my beliefs. Especially at a time when the Catholic church’s conservative direction feels unwelcoming as a woman.. My husband went to a minor seminary to be a Franciscan and it’s that tradition that is foundation of our family faith. So thank you 🙏🏼 NAMASTE Christine OMarra
forofkdRespect if not AgreementI sometimes think that Father Rohr goes too far towards “social justice” for my liking. Yet, his arguments are sound and influenced most by his devotion to God. Is he a holy man? Yes. Is he a humble man? Yes. Is he a perfect man? No. These three questions and answers are the exact reasons that an open and inquiring mind needs to listen to his sermons. Never boring and always focused on a point or points designed to move each of us towards surrendering our egos to the will of the Lord. His recent homily on “Four Stages” should be read by all who are serious about their respective spiritual direction and maturity. I’ve listened to it 6 times and taken notes. He offers a wealth of practical and sensible knowledge regarding where one is in his/her spiritual life and what is needed to progress. It’s wonderful. Thank you, Father.
judyinjerseySo grateful!I love reading Richard Rohr’s books, but nothing is greater than hearing his voice and receiving the insights, prayers and challenges he gives us to live the Gospel. Thank you!!
thepianoman88A Powerful Spiritual MentorI literally grew up listening to Fr. Richard as my parents have been following him since the 1970s. He has been a spiritual mentor to me over the years. Twice I had the privilege of attending his Conspire conference in Albuquerque, and these weekly homilies are a great way to stay connected to his wisdom.
PhilLarson .netRichard. Rohr. All. Day.Every. Day.
BetstybooWho eats WhomI have enjoyed all Richard Rohr podcasts, this one was especially meaningful, because it makes resurrection such a focal point. He lets us know that the body and blood is for all and that God’s love is for each of us and that we all have the promise of eternal life. Richard has a way of making us feel and embrace the love of God in all our unworthiness.
marajpostDoes this sound super fast to anyone else?Love love Gilbert and her ideas but this plays really fast like to was recorded and then played at a faster rate.
G.InteriorCastleA giftRichard Rohr has been a blessing. He has helped reveal a deep, peaceful, inclusive and loving catholic spirituality. What a gift.
just mercyRichard Rohr homiliesLove these homilies but only get a few minutes. Why isn’t full episode playing
FttgcgSo beautifulSometimes brings me to tears. As a late 20s yuppie, it can be tough to explain to others and grapple with explaining why you’re trying to be a person of faith. Fr Richard has a way of speaking and writing that not only makes the complex and mystical accessible, but he writes about seeking a life that frankly everyone is trying to attain. We’re just often going about it in the wrong way.
Gandalf's BeardRefreshing ViewsRohr is a great preacher and as a preacher myself I am inspired by his refreshing views of the Scripture. He helps me see God’s word and God’s Love in a new way and then to help others to do the same.
Candy for your earsWhen you need a FatherWhen I listen to RR, I am encouraged, strengthen, and receive the full love of God that is present rn & always. His work with he ego and his prophet voice that cries out to “leave those false idols and find the Truth.” Yes. Yes. And, Yes. As a self raised enneagram 3, I trusted so few, but when I heard his work on contemplation (from YouTube!!!), I knew that was the path I had been missing...trying to earn it...trying to earn that which is free. It’s been a transforming and beautiful life ever since he help lead me to surrender.
jamiecalkinartThanksgiving:)I am so grateful for this podcast. Thank you father richard rohr and everyone who makes it possible!
PschaegheTruth cannot always take sidesWhat a wonderful message! We have been practically forced by our society into “OR” thinking. This OR that. Fr. Roar makes this abundantly clear and he also tells us that living by faith brings with it a certain anxiety. Are we right? Are we wrong? We live by faith. In a beautiful song, Barry McGuire sings “Blessed are you when you trust what you just can’t understand.” Even in our anxiety we are blessed. In our secular world there are so many dichotomies where we are expected to use this “OR” thinking. Which brings us to a great author by the name of Jim Collins. He calls “OR” thinking “the tyranny of OR”. He offers a solution and that is “AND” thinking. It’s like a buffet. You can have this AND that. When we succumb to the tyranny of OR we limit ourselves. God has given us an abundance. And it is with abundant thinking that we can move ahead instead of living in the daily diet of the scarcity of OR that is offered so freely and we are expected to live in it. Shake off the shackles and use the beauty of abundance God has given us AND your life will be better for it. I give thanks to my loving brother in Christ, Rich Barone who shared this podcast with me and with whom I can share in wonderful dialogue on so many issues facing us. Thanks for sharing again Rich. I love ya man!
mikemeteormanWe need this man’s voiceHe is kind. He is wise. But his words are hard. He challenges us to look honestly at the way we live and at the way we think.
@mrslebowitzI love this❤️❤️Just finished the last episode and it was something my heart needed to hear. Thank you!
Bezaleel31So much wisdom!Love these Homilies. However they seem to be incomplete.
DrJenDeVivoThank you!As a Catholic in Chicago who is within a 15 minute drive of over a dozen churches, I cannot find a church where the preaching doesn't incense, outrage, or completely disappoint me. This morning I have listened to these homilies one after the other, grateful to have my thirst for the gospel quenched, my hunger nourished. Thank you for the time you took to prepare these and for the Christian maturity they contain! Thank you for preaching the ευαγγελιον, the good news, while challenging us to live it, truly as adult disciples of Jesus.
Vince LiottaFantasticRohr is incredible at reconstruction
I'mAWalkerSo good!Love you, Papa Rohr!
JO in SacramentoDownload from iTunes works now!Thank you for fixing the download issue. I'm so happy to see it fixed. Thank you for listening to me and now I can listen to these wonderful homilies.
KenMillerTime123Vague Mysticism and Spiritual LawsIf you're an Evangelical Christian, I'm sure there is a lot here that you'd like. Evangelicals and Catholics share a love for mysticism and spiritual laws about what individuals must do in order to have a fulfilling spiritual life. If you like John Piper, you're gonna love this! If you are an old school Lutheran or Reformed Christian, you're not likely to appreciate what's being taught here. The objectivity of the gospel is absent, and there is little talk of what Christ had done for us extra nos. If this is your bent, as it is mine, then check out the Word of Hope sermons from Hope Lutheran Church in Aurora, CO. The gospel for sinners is clearly proclaimed.
Wookie299Excellent concise, brilliant sermonsAs a Lutheran pastor I appreciate both the insight and brevity that Fr. Rohr brings to each text. He's a favorite writer and I love to hear him preach and to get to hear a sermon each week and not just preach them.
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