Room 20


The sign above his hospital bed called him Sixty-Six Garage. For more than 15 years, he would lay there unidentified and unconscious. Or so, everyone believed. From L.A. Times Studios and the team that brought you “Dirty John” and “Man in the Window,” comes “Room 20,” a story about the search for a man’s identity and the truth about his accident. Investigative reporter Joanne Faryon’s two-year journey is filled with twists and turns. Now, she'll finally reveal who Garage really is. But one important question remained for her upon this discovery: has Garage been conscious this entire time? This series was produced by L.A. Times Studios with support from Neon Hum Media.

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  • jsndbdd d
    Five Stars for Pissing Off Fake Christians
    Love it.
  • gone girl 60
    The name
    They are illegals. You must be happy now that border control has its hands tied now in 2024. Hope so cal living is going good for you
  • TerryTU92
    My heart…
    There were times during this story when I thought I couldn’t listen to more, but I did, because this is a story that deserves to be told. There’s so much I want to say, but my feelings are too complex for words. Thank you for doing the Lord’s work. I’m so happy for Omar, and he has you to thank. Blessings to all involved.
  • majicomac
    I am a nurse and this reporter is naive and biased in so many ways
  • C.Golleher
    Interesting listen
    I enjoyed this podcast very much. A tear jerker for sure. I found the extent to which the people in the nursing home went to celebrate Ignacio once his identity was confirmed to be very heartwarming. Wishing Omar and Ignacio the best they can achieve.
  • Devine Ms D
    Story wrong
    This should be a story about over $4 mil spent on one illegal's care, when they never should have been this side of border putting citizens in danger. Any person crossing illegally is a risk.
  • Paellie
    Awesome but the ads -
    This woman doing the ads - is there no other voice available? Just not one other person on earth that can read this information?
  • GueritaChatita
    I really like this podcast. Anyone that give a 1 star I feel they have never had to experience something similar - Waiting for a miracle!! I truly enjoyed episode 5 and 6. I was crying when Nacho saw his sister and Episode 6 knowing that Omar was responding was something no one expected. Amazing!
  • fungotrojan
    more episodes please
    I was so interested to learn more about the coma state and Ignacio. The reporting was so good and nuanced without the personal information getting in the way of the story. Also, professional caregivers definitely deserve their own podcast. Thank you
  • Uggggh kg ndndhdn
    Pitbull bullying
    I could do without the pitbull bias. Maybe she has had a bad experience, which if that’s the case, a little background would be nice. Otherwise she’s just perpetuating harmful stereotypes.
  • Sindee10
    Loved it
    I wish it was longer. I really would like to know how Omar is doing now.
  • Golden fins :)
    Just no
    Worst podcast I’ve listened to. I want those hours back. This podcast was more about the “journalist” and her agenda vs Ignacio. Her fake concern for him is evident. Virtual signaling all over this one.
  • Rachie63
    I loved this series! I’m so sad the Ignacio will never be back to his normal self. I am craving more of his story. 🙏🏽❤️
  • Wendy 1975
    I loved the concept of this so I started listening. By episode four her overwhelming political agenda shines through and I lost interest. I wanted to hear Ignacio story, not a reporters agenda.
  • nxjdkwznnskanxjei
    A bit graphic with no warnings
    Tried to listen at work and started dry heaving at the sound of a mucus vacuum in a man’s throat at episode one. I will be sitting this one out
  • ehomuth
    Stop breed shaming pitbulls
    Good story, but I lost respect for the author when she unnecessarily pointed out that “she loves dogs, but is terrified of pitbulls.” This fact does not influence or add to the story at all, and she brings it up again later in the episode pointing out “another pitbull” and an audio clip of her telling the owner that she is afraid of her dog. Stop perpetuating fear of this breed.
  • sarahjanelooney
    beautifully done
    frank. honest. sincere. keep at it my love.
  • 6chan6belle6
    Loving it
    Still on first episode but I’m loving it so far. 😍
  • bradboyhere
    Can’t believe I wasted my time waiting for something amazing to happen. Spoiler: it doesn’t.
  • David short 82
    Good stuff
    Honest n real
  • Negenagbagbfna
    Waste of time
    Boring and drawn out with little substance. As the series progresses, you are given just enough half-true “Easter eggs” of things to come to make you think, “surely this gets better and something interesting actually happens.” It does not. The story is not compelling and is full of contrived mysteries and searches for answers to unimportant details. You find out the guys name in the third episode I think. It’s literally just a story about an undocumented migrant who gets in a car wreck and becomes a vegetable. He doesn’t wake up, and no interesting details emerge as is hinted at in the first episode/intro. It barely scratches the surface of important policy issues such as illegal border crossings and how we deal with long term care for brain dead people. But you can find a lot better discussions of these topics elsewhere than this boring podcast with little substance. Don’t waste your time unless you are seriously bored and out of podcasts to listen to.
  • dumb journalist
    Half baked journalist with a half baked plot trying to spread a open boarders agenda with a terrible story. Instead of worrying about what we’re doing in the us why don’t people just fix their country? I have never met a successful human that has a rich dad. If we keep being the contingency then their country will not be fixed
  • carpedkov
    Thank you!
    Joanne, Thank you for telling these stories. You are a wonderful reporter with a heart of Gold! You have paved your way to Heaven! Makes me want to visit all the lonely people in facilities.
  • LargeMarge87
    Great story
    This was a great story & I love the investigative work that was done. I love that he was identified & that families were reunited. Thank you for telling their story. -LargeMarge
  • maioplo
    Amazing reporter work
    Thanks for reporting on the reality of these people. They deserve to have their story told.
  • firstnormalgirl
    More people can relate than you think
    What a humane story beautifully told weaving the reporter’s story and the story of Ignacio
  • cherrio65
    Opinions not based on facts
    Too opinionated about her beliefs about A true crime podcast isn’t the place to discuss hot topics. A true journalist is able to keep their personal beliefs hidden, so that their audience doesn’t know on what side they stand for. Keeping neutral would double her podcast audience!
  • Ali281
    Human interest piece done well
    Look this story isn’t some ground breaking mystery investigation, it’s a story of a very very human need and uncertainty. Finding out who 66 Garage really is? That’s the tip of the iceberg. The journey is really about mortality and difficult questions we are usually very hesitant to think about let alone discuss. This story is sad, uplifting, hopeful, difficult. For me, in the end, it was satisfying. Or maybe I’m just really happy for...well, no spoilers.
  • Erinlovespitbulls
    Doesn’t like pit bulls
    I had to unsubscribe when she mentioned this in episode 2. Sorry, but for my pittie currently snuggled up to my leg, I couldn’t keep listening.
  • SnowBunnySwag
    This was amazing! Just listen you won’t regret it!
  • Rsfolken
    Just a story.
    Fine listening but fairly biased in its position on undocumented workers and the governments role / financial impact of the tragedy.
  • Fred’s 4Ever
    I have as much empathy as you for people dying and getting injured trying to enter the greatest Country in the world. I feel blessed to have been born here. I’m sorry your heart bleeds for the illegal immigrants. But that’s a political ploy trying to relabel them “undocumented”. Inserting politics into a podcast just kills it for me. Hence only 2 stars.
  • Phone1999
    5 Stars
    Very well made and told
  • aliciamgray
    After hearing of the horrific accident in Imperial county on 3/2, I immediately thought of this podcast. I tried to do a little research- is this the same stop sign?!
  • kubkwrm
    Good story, but...
    1. Storytelling was well done, if a bit lengthy. 2. HATED the negativity toward "scary" pitbulls - get to know one, don't spread pre-conceived, but inaccurate as a whole, notions multiple times. Breed-specific hatred is real - those pups need grace, not judgement. 3. Lack of Spanish skills was tough to hear - maybe partner up with a spanish-speaker so you don't have to rely on the good graces of the interviewees' family members? 4. White saviour complex? yes 5. Did she get done what she set out to do without hurting anyone? (IMO) Also, yes.
  • Awesumasian3idiots
    Weird exploitative white woman inserting herself into a situation. Major white savior complex.
  • Emmieshere
    This podcast had me bawling lol
  • paotina
    Wow I loved this Podcast! It touched my heart!
  • sunrae196
    Annoying reporter
    Can’t stand the way the narrator talks to Garage. I turned it off after the 5th “yeah, yeah?”. He’s not a baby, he’s a grown man!
  • WaterFuel
    Had me hooked
    Thank you for this podcast. I was in tears when Omar mentioned Spider-Man. Thank you for your unbiased work.
  • CastDisRiteHere
    Leftist sob story twist
    Stopped listening when she called illegal invaders “immigrants crossing without papers.”
  • Emily Ardella's iPhone
    Really enjoyed it!
    I loved this podcast! It is unfortunate, however, how the ads have been presented within the podcast. I found the voice work within the ads to be jarring and obtrusive. I understand the need for ads and try not to skip them, but these had me immediately reaching for the skip button.
  • KM98654
    So good!
    This podcasting at its very best. 5 stars and more if more were available! Thank you for this compelling and heart-wrenching story.
  • LaneyCon
    Great story
    Thank you for this very well done and well told story and podcast
  • Miz so
    Incredible storytelling
    Rarely do I tear up during a podcast but, the storytelling is next level. I am so glad people are out here telling stories of the voiceless, while dignity and grace remain. Thanks
  • Mandymert
    Thank you! Your ability to tell someone’s story, who can not speak is amazing. Your love and care for Garage is evident. You have the unique ability to capture the heart and mind of listeners. Your story/reporting provided me with hope. Hope in this crazy world we are living in. Provided me with the actualization that there is compassion and love in this world today. Thank you!
  • Rosy_9
    Thank you
    ...for shining a light on both Ignacio’s & Omar’s stories. Immigrants go through such struggles just to have a better life. It was a little difficult to hear certain machine recordings & her baby talk, but I understand that she felt uncomfortable and baby talk was her initial reaction. Don’t believe she meant malice. I recommend to listen. It made me feel so grateful for my culture and for being able to do basic necessities that can be taken for granted.
  • pkraerae
    So wrong....
    I’m so sick of people thinking they have the rights into other people’s lives. This man could give no consent and to have had a family member in life support who came off and lived it’s disgusting and heart wrenching to hear him choking and her recording it for entertainment purposes. Cuz lets get this straight people are listening to be entertained. I’m not entertained by some ones pain that isn’t even allowing it to be recorded. No it’s not empathetic of her. It would be empathetic of her to do all this and not record. Not make a podcast. Not take ad money. No all of this is so wrong ethically and morally and I couldn’t pass the first episode when it’s so obviously full of her and so uncaring of him.
  • Esai besai
    I Don’t Have the Words...
    You are a light in a dark world as one previous comment said!!! It is hard to learn of so many families stories of loosing loved ones when trying to make it to the US. Being from Mexican decent, I myself know many families that have had to go on with life and accept that they will not know what happen to their loved one that never made it to the US nor back to Mexico. You have done an incredible job of telling a story I’m so glad I got to hear!! You are so passionate, please continue with great Informative stories and reporting. Hats off!!
  • Srwill8452
    Love love love!!
    Cheers to Joanne Faryon for her compassion and care she showed to another human being when his friends and family didn’t have to option to. She’s a light in the dark world. I strongly recommend listening to this podcast.
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