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Gallaghers from PhiladelphiaGet a Highlight Stick !Tom, I love your show but…it’s much easier to locate those particular segments of the document that you want to discuss if you have Highlighted them in advance instead of “fumbling”around trying to locate them during your informative podcasts!…just saying. Thanks Gallagher in Philadelphia
Rettabug1*applause*Congratulations on the great work you are doing! ❤️
Nothings411Podcast doesn’t workPodcast doesn’t work because the episodes don’t download. Think that’s due to APPLE’s shenanigans.
Free Patriot TimFreePatriotTimJust try using the VA’s automated help line.
listener cesListener CESI appreciate the great work and information Judicial Watch provides. Tom is reliable and steadfast. I also like that he sometimes sounds a little like Herman Munster (a blast from the past). 😀
aihpcflWhy block VPN?For some reason the shows will not download when VPN is in use. This is a relatively new issue, but has been the case for months. And this is apparently a problem with the show, or with the show on Apple Podcasts. Other podcast shows are fine.
SusjetteJW WT?“nonpartisan”?? can’t conspiracy ravers ever just tell the truth or have they developed some horrible allergy to facts?
rowdyetteEV power boatsThose boats are probably electric powered🙄
edenlea1992Johnson (SPEAKER)I’m so thankful for our Newest Speaker for the House! He hasn’t disappointed the conservative base, which represents the silent majority! Don’t know what it takes to awaken the HUGE, disgusted and fed up CHRISTIAN conservatives.thanks for the great podcast and STANDING FOR WHAT IS RIGHT!
This KenUnlistenableThe volume repeatedly goes from overpoweringly load to so sift it can’t be heard. It is a pain to be constantly adjusting to volume buttons. Judicial Watch has not improved in the last twenty years. With the audio problems and the lack of useful information I will unfollow.
ChuckysBucsTough as Nails!!!!‘Hard Hitting’ Tom Fitten is as trustworthy a news man as your gonna find. There is John Solomon and Fitten who are in a integrity space all their own- I LOVE YOU AND ADMIRE YOU MR. FITTEN!!
Proequine54You deserve the Medal of FreedomApp won’t update like my other podcast do. Shadow banning? FYI.
31874gcBold LeadershipThe Lady’s are bold and ,The men seem to be playing it safe,They will be primaried out.We need for this moment in time Fierce / leaders.Men grow a backbone!
Club C.FUND THE GOOD GUYS!Thank you Tom and Judicial Watch for ALWAYS being ahead of the curve.
AnnakimuCleaning up the voter rollsThank you for all your efforts in this area. I congratulate you on the battles that you’ve won so far. At a time when everything is online, why can’t there be automatic notification to the pertinent states when a person dies or moves away from the jurisdiction? SSA and DMV should have no difficulty in sharing the information.
rebeccacceberTom Fitton for president!Seriously. Tom Fitton would be a great FIT for president of the United States! Thanks for all your hard work and for playing a huge role in educating the masses. If you’re looking for a new topic you might check out the All of Us Research Program, previously known as the PrecisionMedicine Initiative Cohort. There are people serving on the (singular) Central Institutional Review Board and literally approving their own research projects!
Obstruction to PostExcellent!Excellent explaining while entertaining at same time!
SweetSherryThank you!Thanks for all you continue to do for us. Very much appreciated
MadMoM:)Thank you to your whole group at judicial watch.The f.b.i. Is the worst… they were spying on Trump instead of putting that pedofile gymnastics doctor in jail… can you imagine. They put politics in front of the worst crime imaginable…. Wray even said he has daughters . That made what they did even worse.
YenlansilAwesome Podcast!!One of the best still fighting for justice!!
John CreeeedWe are so thankful for judicial watch!Wow!!….. I never miss any of your episodes —-there is none like you Judicial Watch! But we sure need dozens more for the work you are doing! You serve in our preserve constitutional freedoms For our children and grandchildren and beyond! I am always praying for your strength and integrity, asking the Lord to give you wisdom and discernment and for the Lord himself to help in the work that you are doing!
GetsitrightFreedom FighterThank goodness we have Judicial Watch, that you do the work that you do! It’s mind boggling. Don’t ever give up and stop. Your podcast is terrific and one of my favorites. It’s a great source for self education that everyone should listen to and learn, and then share. Our Founding Fathers have stated that this government will only work for an educated and intelligent population. Your work is so important and your podcast is critical for one of those sources of teaching the people.
GaflafanTruthful Resource for NewsJudicial Watch is fighting for Truth and Justice for America. If you want to do something to help preserve our Freedom, please support Judicial Watch. Best Regards, A Proud Supporter!
BarbaraMaineWe the people Andrew SThank you Lord for a group willing to investigate our leaders. No question, power produces corruption - and now we are flooded with so much corruption, particularly at the federal level that needs exposure! Long term, Term Limits is the only real solution meanwhile we rely on groups like JW to keep on investigating the politicalisation of the many branches of our Gov’t, such as the FBI, IRS, DOJ, etc. Fear not, pray on it & financial support JW.
BeachBum68The only real investigative journalist out thereAll of you who live to pooh pooh JW because it disagrees with the narrative you’ve been spoon fed all your lives should know JW has NEVER had to retract any of their reporting. NYT… not so much. JW has a wall of hundreds is retractions by lesser news shills and a Retraction Alpaca to boot. If you value the truth, JW is where it’s found. It’s fair to say that that’s a rare commodity these days.
kf6trgThe content is great however, the sound quality is poor.I am an annual supporter of judicial watch and enjoy these podcasts a great deal! A bit of feedback, Mr. Fitton needs to get a better microphone or have somebody work on his audio for the podcast. The sound is poor compared to other podcasts.
TroyLime39@TomFitton @JudicialWatch“Because No One Is Above The Law” should start a @GETTR account because Facebook & Twitter suspended my political view and my factual statement because parler doesn’t work for the apple App Store and rumble works however
dtales12Amateur sound qualityLove what you’re doing and I’ve donated to the cause and your work. But please get professional grade sound quality - it sounds like you’re talking from inside a tin box. It’s difficult to listen to and discern all the words.
Republic USAAmerica Wishes In-depth Judicial Watch Review of Biden Executive Orders!Is razored wired congress constitutionally legal! Please Review for America every Executive Orders written by Biden who the illegally media not constitutional electoral process also illegally followed by Pence who processed two sets of Georgia electoral votes! Why are Southern Borders still open by Globalists TX Arizona Nevada CA primarily responsible for 23 millions illegals in America! China has no open borders! Really disappointing NIH FAUCI COVID infected illegals are allowed to transported free not even processed DHS, TX China wind farm owned by a CCP Military General reported by American Thought Leaders and a Special Congressional Review this month! China wind farm owned by former CPP military general located next to Lackland US Air Force base Fentanyl via Southern borders, M 13; BLM globalists Middle East terrorizing attacks, CA 42% Hispanics! Homelessness is an intentional funded Socialist Democrat national plan! PLEASE Report on these very concerning issues as to the legality of The Biden EO which has resulted in this state of US affairs on a podcasts! So there is plenty to do no time for complaining Thank you! Supporter!
Hellkell001Puts his money where his mouth is.I fully support Tom and Judicial Watch. I donate money because it’ll help expose criminal activity, make people pay for their malfeasance, and hopefully save this once great nation that is being destroyed by the Left and crooked politicians.
lauraamyGreat work that you do.Thank you for all the work that you do to expose the illegal business that our “intelligence” agencies are doing. They are back and going stronger than ever. I hope that someone would help you in this fight! No one has done what you have done. It is really a DEEP STATE. We must get this to stop if we are to have a country again. I am just so glad that someone that has teeth can help expose this crap and shed the light on it. THANK YOU!!! Please people keep donating to them.
Mr. 346A warriorA warrior on the right side of history.
Little Hills FarmGreat show!Please repair audio. Sounds like your speaking into a 55 gallon drum
missteak of KI.Thank youPlease don’t give up !!!We need the truth we need transparency to save our country !!!
cgcoregonThanksI appreciate everything you do for us Thank you for standing up!
SherriNDallasTXCan’t Listen as much I really want/ and try toThe audio quality is awful. Maybe Tom could sit in his closet or some other place that would allow me to better hear/listen to what he’s saying. This isn’t a problem for me with other podcasts so not sure what the problem really is.
rosanne68Important workLike the content but keeping Pelosi accountable ? But the audio is almost painful. Are you talking into your phone? Ordilly had the same issue. Finally he improved it. Please I like the content.
Podcast LibertyTunnel AudioI have to agree with sjc5077. Content is great but the delivery sounds like it is coming from the other end of a long tunnel.
sjc5077Audio badLove your work but you need a new microphone when you record you podcast
JayWSaysAcousticsI get good information from this podcast. I would not unsubscribe without good reason, and I won’t. But you have to do something about the acoustics. It just does not work when you are in a tunnel. Keep up the good work, but please speak into the mic in a room without an echo. Thank you
Kyle KordsmeierLoserI beat him up in high school. Didn’t do any good.
Lexington, Mo.Tom FittonFix the audio! Sounds like he is talking through a long tube. Voice is loud then fades away to almost imperceptible. Thanks
Scirocco ChameleonWhat are the results?Have been hearing about all this nefarious activity from Obama on down for 4 years. Who’s been prosecuted and who’s in jail? Would love to hear a list of all that have been brought to justice. Last I heard it was one lawyer that altered an email. WOW!!!!
MaryAnn.from.MichiganHeroWe need more HEROS like Tom Fitton atJudicial Watch. There is so much corruption going on in politics right now and it seems impossible to overcome. Too many politicians are getting away with corruption the likes of what goes on in Third World countries And banana Republics. We as American patriots are losing hope and the American dream and that we can have anything such as aFree and fair election. We only have the illusion that we have a choice. Collectively, our voices, if joined together, can hopefully make a difference before it’s too late. Thank you for doing the heavy lifting!!
YarslairThanks for all you do!Thanks for the weekly update. I am truly amazed at all the lies Judicial Watch uncovers. We should take funding of IG departments and move to Judicial Watch.
rbdvs67Audio qualityI really waiting give that 5th star but the audio quality is poor and frustrating as heck. Please figure out how to broadcast this essential podcast better. Keep up the amazing work and I am happy to financially and prayerfully support your efforts. God bless
SuewiiJuly 3rd broadcast a mustThe July 3rd broadcast is essential to saving our nation from the tyranny and corruption that is plaguing us right now.
MIKE DUNN 64Too much lip smacking, too many pregnant pausesI admire the work Tom and his team does. Without Judicial watch, so much more swamp activities would be happening. Washington DC is truly a swamp of scum bags that run our country. Tom, a heads up- please stop all of the lip smacking, I am astonished at how often you do it, it is amazing. And your pregnant pauses are as frequent as your lip smacking. It’s really hard to listen to. Is this how you talk at all times in the real world? If so, it would be very hard to converse with you. Aside from those issues, keep up the great work.
7786453Standing guard over our RepublicYou will be in awe once your get a sense of how crucial Judicial Watch is to exposing government corruption. Listen weekly and donate monthly if you care about handing an intact Bill of Rights to the next generation.
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