The Higher Self with Danny Morel


The Higher Self is dedicated to guiding you through the journey of discovering your highest purpose, passion and potential in Life.Have a dream to get in better shape, heal relationships or even create true financial freedom, whatever it is... the keys to achieving your heart's desires are already in you.The Higher Self will help you unlock your greatest potential, erase limiting beliefs and guide you on the journey of creating your dream life.

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Recent Reviews
  • PatV623
    David Ghiyam
    Listened twice..sent to my husband and children! Fantastic discussion! Please have David back. I listen to his podcast and follow on Instagram. The two of you together are MAGIC!
  • Hydro Jack
    I really appreciate the spiritual quest demonstrated, and all your interviews without the need to be locked into any particular doctrine.
  • Meganmagoo
    Step into the frequency of love. Thank you. 🙏
  • EmpoweredWithJill
    I listen every week. Thank you so much!
  • Milks26
    Life changing
    This is an amazing podcast !!!
  • LyssyLove
    The whole podcast
    Best podcast ever. I learn something (sometimes something I already knew subconsciously) every time I listen. And every time it’s aligned with the exact lesson I’m on at the time.
  • totallynotjudging
    Get a new microphone pls
    Like what you’re doing but please get a new microphone. I can hear all the spit in your mouth.
  • SlowLivingFlowerFarms
    Great Show!
    I don’t think you understand how important the the episode with Kelly Brogan is. The acceptance that has been restored for not only me but thousands of others though this.. thank you for sharing the wisdom. It is a daily war within women to choose themselves. As a cultured chicana woman, I just wanna thank you!
  • cbm wi
    Thank you ✨
    As I was listening to your latest episode, when you said you want to take it to the masses, the clear image of you releasing a documentary style movie on a streaming service came through. “The Secret” and “I’m not your Guru” were great examples of how those messages and coaches became even bigger than they already were. I’m headed to Reunion this month thanks to the messages here and I believe your message does need to reach the masses ✨🫶 Thank you ✨
  • Hat a tat
    Thank you Dee
    This episode is special ::
  • HaiHai🍍
    The most amazing podcast
    LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST! I was screaming to the universe for help and the next day I find Danny on instagram. There is so much knowledge and wisdom in every episode. It feels like Danny knows exactly what I need from each episode. It has been helping me pull myself out of the darkest point of my life and I can’t recommend this to everyone I know enough!
  • I am Banya
    Favorite podcast
    The amount of wisdom being shared here is just priceless thank you so much Danny for what you do.
  • Veganallie
    If he awakened to not eating animals
    This would be a lot better. Eating animals is so low vibrational and not spiritually sound. Even the bible in the beginning the garden of eden is described as the peaceable kingdom and was only fruits and plants and in revelation it goes back again. We are not made for meat and spiritually it is not sound. I hope he can wake up as soon as possible.
  • Miss_Bea.
    Typical con artist spewing misogynistic information to vulnerable people. Don’t give this man your money
  • trentonkarlson
    Look within for all the answers you need
    Danny is such a blessing. His insight cuts deep and get you to think in a new way on what is holding you back. I recommend this podcast for anyone on their awakening journey.
  • kksmeds
    Expansive show
    This podcast is by far one of my favorites! So many wonderful tools to help yourself expand in this life journey. Now is the time! Choose you! Choose to grow, choose to heal!
  • Empowering Vivi
    I am able to connect and resonate with not only your message but those of your great guests. In my healing and growth journey I have been doing deep inner work with myself and understanding “what happened to me” has a lot to do with my choices I was making and who I was attracting into my life. Danny you were one of the first motivational speaker that have led me to my true awakening in life. Thank you 💫🫶🏼
  • Menlighten
    Thank you
    Danny resonates with me on so many levels. I am so grateful to have found you. Thank you for sharing your gift.
  • allrheusernamesaretooken
    Love it!
    Episode #108 with Light Loves this episode! I listened to it over a period of time but overall it was insightful. Loved hearing about how you and Jen met! Loved the passion and never before heard coverage 😂🤟🏽. Love listening to you and hearing others that align on the same frequency. It can be lonely but finding your tribe is necessary and I’m glad I can add your podcast to my daily routine ☺️⚡️
  • Rose Leiva
    Going through a very difficult time in my life right now. This channel is helping me process a lot of pain and emotions. Higher Self is such an amazing resource. Thank you, Danny.
  • hsjsjsjjsjsjjsjsj
    Episode 100 is the biggest blessing to be being blind fold
    Every single episode has been a huge blessing to my soul and life !!!❤️‍🔥 I am so great ful for all the human that have been awakening have been an eye opening to every part of my life that there hope to a better heaven life !!
  • mbaker0129
    Amazing podcast !!!
    Healing the soul and mind. Truly awakens you to truth!
  • Caring aunt
    He might have some insightful points of view, but I couldn’t listen to all that sexist propaganda any more.
  • Starlene Schwark
    Great podcast!
  • tahkole
    Terri cole
    Great info, family boundaries are hard but you can do it
  • JossyWilson84
    Inspiring in every single way.
    Danny has a way to make it safe to face our fears and to talk to others about them. I have not listened to anything that Danny or his guests have said that has not invited me to look deeper into me and to be proud to a man and always be in my divine masculine energy as I support, build and maintain a safe container for my beautiful and amazing wife and encourage her to live in her divine feminine energy.
  • The Lord is with us
    The magic of surrendered was magical
    First of all I love Danny’s compassion towards women. I feel it in his breath and words. The way he reveals wisdom he’s changing my life. I feel his humanity in his being. I felt connected to Danny via one of his YouTube talks. I love the fact that he shows up with a dead ego…and I get to experience him as a soul jus residing in his physical body. Honestly I appreciate his vulnerability and I genuinely am inspired by him. Love Jennifer Zoga I am manifesting that Danny will be my mentor.
  • Emmydoodlez
    Consciousness Called
    The true authentic discussions on this Pod really open up my awareness and heart . Whenever I listen, I am given exactly what is meant for me to receive, for that time.
  • Jessica283
    Loooove the pod!
    Dammit Danny the mini episode about healing feminine and masculine in a relationship. Man! It felt like as you spoke to her it was actually me. Literally crying within the first 8 minutes. Keep healing papa. I am here for it!
  • FAVE300
    Thank you!
    Great podcast!
  • Beezey007
    I’ve listened to every podcast and loved every one! I don’t have the funds to come to Awaken in March but will save for the next one. I’ve learned so much and would love to come to a retreat..thank you so much for your work
  • briannaaabear
    regurgitation and you need to get your ears checked
    Are we listening to the same thing???? Because the stuff he says is so deeply rooted in misogyny/ anger but said in a way that no one questions it!!! please stop and listen to what he is saying, and think CRITICALLY because most of this is so bad
  • teacherAddo
    Authentic Conversation
    I have been listening for about a year, and it always come with a feeling that I’m listening to an enlightened conversation. Not just spiritual, but practical and easy to apply to my life today. Thank you for consistent insight and wisdom. Looking forward to more.
  • simplybeauiful
    I love the authenticity and truth of this podcast. Every time I listen, I gain new knowledge and feel inspired to continue to grow and create. Thank you.
  • marinayt
    So powerful
    Love the powerful guests you choose and your voice, it’s so heart opening and right to the heart of the matter. Thank you!
  • Kayla J26
    Absolutely love your podcast
    I listen to your podcasts all the time and just listen to what calls to me, and episode 62 is the most eye opening episode that I’ve listened too. Thank you for this life changing podcast.
  • LadyAck
    Dallas Michael Cyr
    All of these episodes are NOT along enough! The awareness you’re speaking of in these podcast are much needed. But the fact that you make it relatable! Thank you! The Dallas Micharl Cyr episode. WOW! Just WOW and that’s what I gave five stars to!!
  • Conscious_Marketing_&_PR
    Highly motivating!
    Danny has an amazing level of deep knowledge and wisdom. Listening to the podcast makes you want to rethink so many understandings in your life.
  • thegendnjf
    Obsessed with this podcast
    Omg I’m speechless! I think I ran into him on tiktok not sure but I can’t get enough of listening to one episode after another so much wise and knowledgeable things to take from these episodes. I love love love it.
  • CorporateSoldier
    Drug Addiction Under The Disguise Of Spirituality
    Some of the ideas promoted by Danny come from a place of the mental illness that is drug addiction. For a steep monetary price, of course, Danny will show you at his retreats how to reach enlightenment by using psychedelic drugs. This path may lead you to losing your mind completely. I have seen it in people whom I love dearly. For instance, Danny talks about talking with his dead grandmother, whom he never met, in the spiritual world. She had a grand message for him. Is that what you want for yourself? I wish Danny well with his mental disease. I really do. We all have work to do, and nobody is perfect. We all should strive for spirituality without shortcuts or gimmicks or substances. Meanwhile, you, the reader of this review, should judge for yourself carefully when it comes to this podcast.
  • ostolaza_
    Love it!
    De los mejores Que he escuchado. ✨❤️
  • Joseemarr0
    One of my new favorite podcasts!
    So much love and value! Thank you!
  • Sandravp56
    It’s on to something—but missing important factors
    Although, I agree a lot on what’s been spoken about. I’m a bit turned off on the lack of faith within. Which continuously is spoken about—and ultimately can be a bit contradictory. I also noticed a sense of impatience within the host when speaking with a person who genuinely reached out in need. Communication is the root of all our salvation, but in order to properly communicate, we need to have the patience to listen. Religion was also put down several times, and I understand why it can be misconstrued, but that’s the same “Victim” mindset that’s being spoken about. I speak as a Catholic myself and I steered away from my church for over a decade. I didn’t step a foot in a church for too long and a few years ago— I also could have agreed on many pivotal points of some episodes. But the reality in which it was perceived—that religion was to blame for misdirection and suffering. But what part? The first or second reading? Or perhaps the gospel, maybe the homily? Because when you connect with your spirit—you connect to receiving the power and communication within. Blaming or pointing a religion to be part of a matrix is the same victimization as pointing faults in our politics. God & the Holy Spirit speak within us every single day. Regardless of what our everyday distractions bring. We have to be willing to quiet everything that disturbs our sense of peace. Which brings me to my second point—How at we able to quiet the toxicity’s of our everyday distractions if we lack listening to one another. One of your audience members for example—those in need of a direction, come to be heard. But, by anticipating the response before the person finishes a sentence. Is lack of support, empathy, and ultimately miscommunication. Which will bring me to my final point, lack in communication with a fellow human resembles the communication with your higher self and Holy Spirit. You mentioned your mother, and how it took so much time for both of you to realize why she was never healed. As Catholics, we know that in order to receive ultimate salvation in the kingdom of heaven—we must first cleanse our sins in purgatory because of purity. God knew where her rightful place was in this ultimate beautiful and eternal life, and illness is the only way to see the “actual” truth from the matrix. We no longer need “Ayahuasca”—(which I also anticipated for many years) Im speaking from experience—My own illnesses, my physical and debilitating pain is my story. My resilience is my means to follow my purpose, just as your mothers was to deliver her miracle here on earth and ultimately why it awakened you to deliver your higher message. I end it with this—the “Matrix” has no power over those with the will of God and our conscience self. “Realize that illness and other temporal setbacks often come to us from the hands of God our Lord, and are sent to help us know ourselves better, to free ourselves of the love of materialism, and to reflect on the brevity of this life, and this prepare ourselves for the life which is without end” —St. Ignatius
  • Xavierp35
    Great show!
    I am 18 years young beginning my walk and i know in order for me to progress i must release the past. Looking forward to learning and blooming!
  • Popmudic
    Not truthful
    I have listened to several of the podcasts and he is full of himself. Tries to seem like his life is in order but Danny let’s be truthful. He also stole money from me saying he was investing it in Bitcoin for me and took off with it. I’ve tried to contact him but he won’t answer me
  • Immadatyou
    You’ve found the right podcast.
    I’m grateful that leaders like Danny Morel share this encouraging and empowering information about how to grow not only as an individual but as a professional. I’ve been aware of Danny from YouTube for a couple of years but I’ve just now began to listen to his podcast recently. The values that Danny promotes are what draw me too him and his content.
  • DanielSmith1983
    Must listen for anyone wanting to take their life and business to the next level!!
  • markliyo
    I hate this show
    The real estate sales show is for real state sales people that are not real institution and cheating with people.
  • RBD007
    Class A Lowlife
    I met him at his event and out of all the people I have met over 20 years of attending events like his I have NEVER EVER met someone so rude in my life. I introduced myself and he basically ignored me and went directly to my wife and started flirting with her right in front of me. My wife was completely appalled as well. Speaking to a few people at the event apparently this is par for the course for him. Aside from him personally, his event was actually terrible as well. Completely unorganized. No real value. When I imagine a satire version of “motivational event” this is what I imagine in my head. Would be comparable to Ben Stillers character in the movie Dodgeball...only motivational speak. Dont waste your time.
  • Joe G 313
    Selling out the Staples Center!
    Danny’s message is different than the rest. On top of that his delivery, transparency, story, and authenticity, ALL make him very capable of making fulfilling his goal. I have missed 2/3 Relentless. And I won’t miss another! Can’t wait for Intero to open a brokerage on the Westside!
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