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Oak City nativeNHL ExpansionI don’t think the NHL will ever return to Atlanta, they’ve tried it there and both franchises have moved. I don’t think Atlanta is a great hockey market. On the other hand, hockey has worked in the south.
Charge HaganPerfectQuick updates of the biggest stories of the day. Always gets to the main points, why they matter, and what it all could mean for the future. Yet, the podcast doesn’t get bogged down in the weeds. This is a perfect way to keep up to date.
Rimshot77!Give a listenEvery day, Abe Madkour gives his listeners 4-6 news stories in 8-12 minutes. If you follow the sports world. Even more, if you work in the world of sports, do yourself a big favor and give Buzzcast a listen.
jjones1111111111111Women’s SportsIf you have interest in Women’s College Sports and the WNBA, this will be the podcast for you. It represents a significant portion of their podcast.
Sal "The Kid"Morning Buzzcast ReviewThe SBJ Morning Buzzcast hosted by Abe Madkour is one of the top podcast to gain the most up to date information about the sports industry. In a industry filled with new content daily being able to hear Abe discuss these topics will help all young professionals develop more knowledge surrounding sports business. I am looking forward to hearing Abe’s thoughts about the winner of Denver Broncos Ownership group bid and how this will impact the Denver sports area!
Addie_BeeI start my morning with this podcast every day!Perfect chunk of sports biz news.
Bingo2004Politics not sportsThis once was a show about sports business but now is all about political angles. Terribly disappointing
JahJerryAmazingly informativeAbsolutely love the podcast but please, please tell Bill King to stop saying “uh huh” every time he agrees with someone on first look. It doesn’t sound good and really harms the audio quality. Cheers and keep up the good work SBJ!
141431PoliticsI was really enjoying this podcast until you all decided to become consistent political commentators. We get enough of that from the news. I came here to learn more about what is going on in the world of sports, not hear political opinions.
dskip23OvermodulationThis is a must listen podcast. However, it is much tougher listen when Abe anchors. All his podcasts are recorded at too high a level, or an over modulation. He needs to keep an eye on his audio levels so the audio records at 60-100% modulation. Right now he’s at 110-120%. Alternately, he can have a sound engineer record the podcast, ensuring quality, listenable audio.
BDTJHTVery informative!Very informative and to the point! It’s the first podcast I listen to every morning! Thank you.
roswellnascarGood informationI like the sorts business information, but the volume levels have been terrible lately, PLEASE FIX
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