Good Sex

Sexuality #24

Good sex is all about good communication. And we believe honest conversations are the best way to get there. That’s why we’ve asked duos of all types to open up to each other - no host! - about pleasure, intimacy and what turns them on. Listen to hear intimate chats, sexual revelations and playful moments between friends, lovers and everyone in between. 


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Recent Reviews
  • remlee
    Love the show, but…
    What’s the deal with all of the reruns lately? It would be awesome if you could mark reruns as “classic” or something, so we’d know what content is new. (I’m only irritated because I enjoy the show and want more! 😘)
  • YouMeEmpathy
    Makes me feel seen
    I love this show.
  • CaliDreaming100
    Great show!
    Love that this show tells real stories - everything is relatable and authentic.
  • nolibidogal
    Wonderful, insightful conversations
    Always feel like I not only gain new perspectives but I also learn a bit about myself along the way.
  • s.brisa
    Honest and real
    This show is incredible. I love learning and listening about how humans interact with their sexuality, love, relationships, and work. Season 3 is really relatable especially with the partner conversations - the format is easy and fun!
  • tiredmama1234
    I tell everyone I know about this show. I love the new format — listening in to these couple private conversations is the best. I want more!!
  • Tristan French
    Love it
    Great stories and great conversation. The realness in this show is refreshing. Can’t wait to hear more.
  • Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooop
    Love it
  • ZFP_1808
    Love the new duos!
    The new season is so good! I loved the show before but the conversations this season are even more relatable. Same great sound but hits closer to home.
  • MyrriahATX
    Great short episodes
    Great stories that are also super relatable
  • Hex828281
    Listen to one episode, you’ve heard them all. Also half of each episode is a ad.
  • bobb661
    lots of ads for such a short show but i liked it enough, until they had the noted transphobe Buck Angel on as a guest. byeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  • DJ Mike Zero
    Neat Idea but Flawed Execution
    The concept of a sex positive, non-erotic, matter-of-fact series of personal journeys through sexuality in pocket sized, easily digestible episodes is a wonderful idea. It’s clear that a lot is put into the editing of the, for lack of a better word, interviews is thorough and well done. Where the show falters, however, is in its overuse of ads & network promos. In a 15 minute episode, there will be as much as 5 minutes worth of ads & promos for other shows before the episode is even halfway over. It creates a disconnect from the conversation being had, especially when a 2-minute ad break hits right in the middle of the topic at hand. For that level of ad space being used, the episodes should be longer. No sense in having a third of an episode be ads for other shows.
  • EliK173
    The most edgy and inclusive sex content
    Try an episode or two. You are guaranteed to laugh, learn, and be changed in some way.
  • SingerKS
    A Fun Romp!
    Easy, fun, digestible Podcast that has definitely opened my eyes and mind
  • podcastjac
    Sounds like good, sexy fun
    Sexy and fun!
  • SarahLynear
    Too many ads
    Great content, but the show is rather short, and the ad breaks are pretty long for such a short program. Takes away from the content of the show
  • Natalie Jed.
    Don’t listen too short corny too
  • Analinanina
    Sex positive and I love it
    I love this podcast because it touches a wide range of experiences with sex from different healthy perspectives. I love that I can relate or just connect with a lot of the speakers. Also love how informative it all is in general. Love! Thank you guys.
  • realitytvjunkie123
    This show is everything I didn’t know I needed. I need more than 5 stars!
  • Idontevenlikefootball
    I just stumbled up this show and I have to say I am obsessed! It is so refreshing and the different perspectives make me feel like I’m not alone. Also, the sound effects are hilarious and so different.
  • mnaeldaas
    Can I give this 10 stars!?
    Amazing show. Short and sweet. FUNNY!!!
  • JHole12321
    Lemonada does it again!
    What a great show! 👏👏👏
  • G_182
    Good show
    LOVE the sound design on this show!! Short + super digestible, diverse, funny, well produced. Nice job!
  • owlsowlsowlsowlsowls
    This show is so fun. Really the love the production, and so nice to hear a story about sex work! More please
  • cawfeemom
    OBSESSED with this show!! I love how open and honest the guests are. 5/5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • mb1893618
    Not funny, awful production, corny
  • Mrsmr2013
    Good sex, great show
    The storytelling format is really immersive and entertaining. The most recent story(Joan) is what hooked me. I can’t wait for more episodes
  • BlondeBombshellauzzie
    Have binged every episode. Love the format. Editing is amazing. Every guest is *top* notch. So glad I downloaded this for my Sunday walk ☀️
  • Blimp939
    Didn’t pull me in
    Right off the bat I wasn’t interested but might give it another go in the future.
  • jDubb_
    Great Podcast
    Love the podcast! I do wish that the episodes were longer...30-45 mins would be awesome!
    Fun and informative
    First, I love the editing. The scores and sound effects really set the tone and that alone separates a great podcast from the library of others. Second, it serves as a reminder that EVERYONE has sex and your partner is a person, just like you, with likely the same thoughts. I think often times we forget the intimacy of sex and go in thinking you know the goal and you know how to get there, so go. This podcast helped reset my view on sex in just a few minutes. I had gotten too used to performative sex and now I’m ready to go with a different approach. Can’t wait for the next episode!
  • Fmlyons1
    Length is better
    Please make it longer and more frequently. I don't do social media and couldn't follow Dr Lexx. I want to hear and ignore more of this. Where?
  • Grabaco
    Needs expansion
    Great content, but I wish this went a little more in depth. It feels like the episodes are just scratching the surface.
  • JDPizzaLvr
    Great production, great content, Great hosts. That being said the only reason this wasn’t a five star rating because of podcast were too short. Hope the future brings some expansion!
  • ganafissa
    Love this
    Love the bite size nature and love the pit of the box subjects .very fun listen .
  • Jenn648
    Very enjoyable and informative!
  • Tori leitch
    All over the place
    Was hoping for more. But unfortunately it’s all over the place randomness that sometimes is hard to keep up with.
  • Sense-ay
    It's too short.
    I feel like you'll never get in depth discussions by limiting it to 10 minutes. I also hope there are plans to hear perspectives from both points of view on topics instead of just the hosts. Sex education needs more of a spotlight shined on it and there can be a lot gained from this if done right. I also think having an audience questions part would help. And could open a lot of discussions that probably a lot of people are afraid to talk about but don't know how or who to ask.
  • 10905
    What I’ve been looking for!
    So happy to have found this! Having my own shame and bad education around sex this podcast is so great to listen to!
  • Tyrano_cyrus
    Very Entertaining !!
    More pls!!
  • v_jossssy
    Umm yes - this is exactly what I needed! I can’t wait for what else you have in store for us!
  • Jessica Romero Garcia Reyes
    It’s good
    It’s good but too short ..
  • gdoublem
    This is golden
    This podcast is great! It’s a fun listen and is a great length to dig into one topic at a time. More good sex for everyone!
  • DurboVal20
    Interesting concept!
    Ten minutes is just enough to get into a topic
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