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AwrtbrYou guys are great! Sad to hear it’s over :(Dear Big and White! This review has been a long time coming… I just listened to your second to last episode and decided it’s time to leave you guys the review I’ve been meaning to for like a long time. My name is Alex, I’m American and I live in NC. I started learning Nepali 3 years ago and dreamed of going to Nepal. I discovered your guys podcast some point during the process, and got to learn so much about Nepal, the culture, and all the while being entertained by two down to earth chill people! As I planned my nepal trip, I continued to live through you guys with your podcast and learn about cool things I should do upon arrival. I even thought maybe we’d meet up in Kathmandu over some chiya or something! Finally I got to nepal in 2020 right before the pandemic! I spent 4 months in Pokhra and Kathmandu… but most of it was in isolation. After returning home, I’ve missed Nepal quite a bit, but have enjoyed continuing to live through your guys’s podcast. Thanks so much for your work over the years! Although we haven’t ever met, I’ve spent like 70 hours-ish with yall, so I kinda feel like we’re on a timi basis. So I’ll say malai timiharuko yaad aaunecha, you’ll be missed!
kchristinecFun and informativeAs someone who hopes to live abroad in the near future I’ve really enjoyed listening and learning about Big and White’s experiences! Fun, upbeat and interesting.
DaalBhaatMade me roll my eyesNative Nepali in US who thought it would be interesting to listen. I could barely get through the Kathmandu one. The tone was super condescending. OMG these funny little Nepalese, they use funny words in their newspapers that WE would NEVER use and omg it's so... "interesting".. and "fun..". **rolls eyes**. People at Bhat Bhateni are "always staring at you like deer in the headlights, like can you move." Okay then. Tone deaf white people thinking that only their way of life is "normal" and using condescending tone to describe the place they are visiting, but WAIT, it's okay because they describe everything as "fun" or "interesting."
K R xLike chatting with your palsEnjoyable podcast to sit back and listen to two relaxed women discuss the job they love in a country half a world away from where they grew up. Each episode has a theme ranging from culture shock or long travel days to language learning or how living abroad is or is not as they expected it to be. They both have calm energies but are still engaging and very genuine. Love them!
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