Bringing Disneyland Home


Bringing Disneyland Home is a Video series dedicated to all Disneyland and Disney fans. If you're like me, you can never get enough of the magic Disneyland has to offer. This series includes home video tours and attraction ride throughs from the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, CA. I have a BDH voice and text message number if you would like to leave a message (707-234-5522). If you have an iPhone or iPod Touch, check out my great new App. Also, please visit my website at for more "Bringing Disneyland Home".

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Recent Reviews
  • Formerforcecastfan
    The best.
    Back when YouTube existed but video quality was not good, there was no better way to experience Disneyland attractions from home than BDH. I grew up about 1000 miles away from the parks and my trips to them were rare, so I cherished this podcast very much. Thank you Brad!
  • penning126
    I miss this!
    I miss the days this kind of stuff was important to me. Simpler times.
  • alexfischer
    love it
    love this i have autism and i love disney ever since i was little these r the best my fav one is haunted mansion love that ride
  • cheapazz
    Too bad it isn't being updated
    Very enjoyable, allows people to live some of the Disney magic at home.
  • Qwerty345ism
    Best Disney podcast ever!!
    Love watching these videos. Have the app and I'm subscribed!! Great job Brad
  • Roxy Cowan
    I absolutely love Fantasmic! I was trying to find a good podcast for it but couldn't find one. Finally, I found this one, and this is the best one there is! I actually love all of the podcasts! I can't wait for more!
  • Mark-o-Fresno
    This Is the Bes Disneyland Vidcast Ever!
    Want to go to Disneyland but haven't the time, patience, or money to do that? Well, this is the video podcast Disney fans must subscribe to! The BDH vidcast takes you on a trip into Disneyland and DCA through some of the best attractions, from the classic ones like "It's a Small World" to the newer ones like "Toy Story Midway Mania". Best of all, you don't have to worry about waiting in long lines or requesting Fast Passes. And you can watch this Disneyland vidcast wherever you are, even in Vegas. So whether at home or on vacation someplace other than the Disney parks, the BDH vidcast is the number one podcast Disneyland fans will love.
  • rocker APPLE dude 21
    I love it
    You the man
  • adampilk
    It's as if I was in the park riding the rides myself. Brad is a great host!
  • Cindee Bilang
    The Haunted Mansion Pod cast
    I love it in every way. It is great for us that have been there to relive those great memories and for the unfortunate people who can't go can actually experience it for themselves. Thank you! #1,000 ghost!!!!
  • DavidMKn
    Best podcast ever!
    Thank you so much for putting these podcasts together Brad๐Ÿ˜ƒ! I listen to them all day at work..wish I could watch but I do have to get some work done..and my day just flies by. I can't thank you enough keep up the GREAT work.
  • disneyman456
    soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool!!!!!!
  • J.HovsGirlfriend
    These Podcasts are amazing!! I'd stay up all night watching them if my battery wasn't about to die. :(
  • TheGingerBlonde
    Really fun podcast!
    I really appreciate all the hard work Brad puts into his podcasts on the Disneyland Resort. I'm a self-proclaimed Disneyland geek & really enjoy his videos & his interesting trivia. If you love Disneyland, but live kinda far away from all the magic, this podcast is the next best thing. Hopefully Brad starts doing more podcasts on the Disneyland Resort; a Pirates of the Caribbean attraction video & some fireworks show videos would be awesome!
  • The24thDoctor
    Great videos...waiting for more!!!!!
    You like finally came back in June and then you left AGAIN!!!! Seriously, if your done with this thing let us know!!! But, on the whole great videos!!!!
  • dustybear1234567
    Me Again!
    Hey Brad, it's me again. I just got back from Disneyland and had a wonderful time. Your podcast helped me on the plane ride there. When I was there, my favorite part was watching World of Color. It was so cool watching all the colors and lights coming together in a fantastic show. I hope you could make a podcast of World of Color. Thanks!
  • XBoredX
    Best. Podcast. Ever.
    I am completely in love with Bringing Disneyland Home. I am a HUGE Disney fan, and watching these podcasts gets me really excited for when I actually get to go.
  • Amanda Rox19
    Omg!!!! I completely fell in love with these podcasts the second I found them! I've seen all of them and continue to watch them countless times over an over again!!! If you could make a World of Color episode that would be fantastic! I also can't wait for the opening of Goofy's Sky School! Thanks for everything and keep up the awesome work!!!!!!!
  • AATC fan
    I love this podcast + suggestions.
    I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS PODCAST!!! I would like to suggest Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Tours The Adventure Continues, World of Color and Goofy's Sky School. Please put STAR TOURS 2 AND WORLD OF COLOR IN!
  • Helpful Howie
    What a stinkpod!!!
    I downloaded this on my iPod to see what it's like. I was very disappointed to find that it only plays a couple of seconds then freezes for the remainder of the video! I was infuriated!
  • wjjunk
    A little piece of the magic on my iPod
    Brad, thank you so much for the time and effort you put into each one of your shows. As one who can only get to the Park every couple of years or so, this Podcast is the one link that can tide me over to the next trip. Thank you, Thank you , Thank you.
  • Jenenen
    I'm from new york and don't get to go to Disneyland/world too often, which is why I loooooove your podcasts!! Please make another one soon!! Preferably about pirates of the carribean!! Thank you!!!!!
  • Disney-freak713
    Great videos!
    Okay so I love your videos. I go to Disneyland every year and i hope to live in California near Disneyland when I grow up. Anyway thx sooo much for making these. If u can, could u possibly tape pirates of the Caribbean and the new World of Color show next time u go back? That would b amazing! But again thx for the amazing videos. By watching them I really feel like I'm back in the magic.
  • Larante
    Best Disneyland Podcast There Is!
    I've been using this podcast for a while now, and compared to others, this HAS to be my favorite! Brad is great at putting together these videos, and I give him 5 stars! I would HOPE to see soon is maybe some firework shows and ESPECIALLY a walk through in Disneyland in CHRISTMAS time. Good job and keep up the good work(:
  • Lish4747
    hey brad I love your podcast but I was wondering if you could do a video with all of the tomorrowland rides thank you!
  • Disneyrockstar
  • CassieJoy(:
    I LOVE this podcast!
    Wow, this podcast is truly amazing! If you are a Disneyland fan like me, then this is the podcast for you! Brad is so nice and welcoming. I love learning more about Disneyland and watching these episodes helps a lot! Thanks Brad! :D
  • DrawDude
    Just what the Mouse ordered!
    Hey Brad! I just wanted to say I love your podcast. I go to UC Irvine for school but now that it's summer I can watch your podcast and bring home a little piece of Disnyeland back with to Northern California. Your videos are excellent. Do you think you could get a video of the new World of Color show, the Tower of Terror and the newly updated Fantasmic, and the Magical fireworks when you have time. Not only is your review great because of the excellent on-ride footage, but you are really informative as well. If you are a Disneyland fanatic, or haven't been to Disneyland in a long time then you should watch some of these videos. Keep up the great work! This is my favorite podcast and it seems the best out of all the other Disney podcasts!
  • QuadShot SB
    Where Did You Go?
    I love the show...when it's there. I'd love to recommend subscribing and even purchasing the iPhone app for $10, but I can't. In fact, I recommend that you at least wait until the host begins broadcasting again, or at least until he answers listeners and those who purchased his iPhone app. We've sent numerous emails asking what happened but haven't heard a word in nearly 6 months. In fact, it was shortly after we purchased the iPhone app that Brad went MIA. Now, I know he's out there...seen him in videos from other Disney podcasts at the Park. I know that life happens and some things are out of our control, but I'm very disappointed.
  • donovan_tok
    Cannot download?
    I have a 2nd generation iPod Touch which is updated with the iOS4 software but when I try to download anything it tells me that it cannot be played on the iPod? Anything I can do?
  • c&tmill
    Favorite Podcast!!!
    I honestly love your videos! They are the closest things to Disneyland. My eyes water when i watch the fantsyland video. So much time and care is put into these! I love Disney! I recomnd these videos to EVERYONE!
  • msntnkrbll
    OMG, I just now discovered BDH, and I am TOTALLY ENCHANTED, thank you for bringing so much of the Happiest Place on Earth right to my laptop! My first download was the Enchanted Tiki Room, and I totally cried at the end, your work is fabulous! I am hooked! I suppose I'll see you at the Park 7/17/2010???
  • TmanPilot
    Bdh is the best
  • TonksMeagher
    oh my gosh this is wonderful!!! I watch these evry day and feel like im at disneyland!!!
  • Disneyyfreakk
    Great, but one favor
    I love these podcasts!!! I would love it if you could do "World of Color" when it debuts on June 11th! Please, that would be super awesome!!
  • griff1297
    Great podcast
    Great podcast, but could you make one of great moments with mr Lincoln?
  • Mistles
    Best podcast in the world!
    Thank you so much for making this! I LOVE Disney, and now can be there at any time I want. I have a suggestion for a video that i'd like to see: Can you please film a walkthrough of Adventureland? (I think that's what it's called. I'm sorry, i'm in the eastern part of the us, so I go to Disney World). It's either that or I think I heard it referred to as Critter Country. Reguardless of the name, it's the section that has Splash Mountain of it. Thanks!
  • Missesbatman
    The Best Ever!!!๎€Ž
    This one of the best podcasts ever. There are actully some really good ones and they give good footage of all the rides and this podcast Is very good to see if you'd want to ride the ride or not and I love Disneyland so much!!!
  • a human named caroline...i think
    California Screamin
    Best ride ever. I was 12 when I rode it and I was terrified right before the launch but it helps if you scream a lot. Just be careful not to do anything too rigorous right after. Great footage of it
  • ct2690
    praise for Bringing Disneyland Home
    This is by far the GREATEST podcast that I have ever subscribed to, all my friends have downloaded the episodes. My absolute FAVORITE is the Aladdin show. Too bad it is going to be ending soon.:(
  • torisam21
    Great podcast
    i Love BDH i've always wanted 2 know wat Disneyland was like because ive only been to Walt Disney World and it was GREAT! * * * * *
  • Sarahcheer4life
    I love these podcasts!!!! Everytime I think of Disneyland I just watch these and they cheer me up!!!!!!! One last thing can u please put up more viedos of rides????!!!!!!!!!! Thank you and I hope u can do this!!! Big fan of the podcasts!!!!!!!!! Thank u for doing something like this!!!!! I was sooo excited when I figured out you were making this podcasts!!!!!!!!!
  • djRiON1
    Annual-pass holder
    Nice camera work. I really enjoyed the old Disney land video. I would like to see more extinct rides. Is there any chance of a club 33 video podcast in the feature? Thanks.
  • DJ 15
    over all winner
    this is the best podcast out of all the other disneyland podcasts. when I want to go to disneyland I just wach this and I feel better. I really enjoy these videos and so does my family.
  • LillyMaeMonroe23
    I love this podcast
    When I saw this podcast, I just had to look and see if these videos are better than other peoples and they were all absolutely wonderful. I hope that there will be more videos, so that the Disney fan in my heart will always be happy.
  • Edgar99999999
    Space mountan
  • Helix_O
    i wish there was more
    this is a great podcast but i want more i know that it takes a while to make them but 5 in the a year. In 2006 there was like 23 epsods i want more
  • eddiecorona
    i love disneyland!!!
    hi. i just wanted to thank you for all your hard work. I also love disneyland a lot and I am happy i can watch videos of me favorites rides. again thanks for everything hope you continue posting new videos because i will like watching them. your friend eddie
  • go demi1
    incredible but.....
    I love your podcast but I really want maholland madness!1 more comment. On Grizzly River Run the camera won't get wet.I went on it and I didn't get wet at all! So I want you to do Grizly River Run.Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Keep on RRRRRRRRRockin!
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