Powerhouse Politics


Headliner interviews and in-depth looks at the people and events shaping U.S. politics. Hosted by ABC News' Chief Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl and Political Director Rick Klein.

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Recent Reviews
  • BethAP2010
    I love this podcast! Helped me stay sane in 2020! I went back and listened to the Jan 6th episode. Wow, if we knew then what we know now. “Enormous Pressure” was actually an understatement. Good work!
  • Footballowner
    Worst aspects of both sidesism
    It’s really unfortunate to me that this podcast has become significantly worse since Biden became president. Due to the absence of Republican voices and opinion in the public (because they are playing politics), they have chosen to make the argument for them and then question why Democrats haven’t budged or where there red line is in negotiations over the government stimulus. They just seem to criticize whoever is trying to solve problems and punish them for talking to the public about their policy by attacking it.
  • FilomenaMaria
    Good show but ...
    Talk dragging out. Get to the point. Ego comes across often.
  • Sb2113
    Wasted Time
    Far too much time was spent discussing the question about asymptotic testing that happened months ago. Yes, it is a very important part of testing. It seemed very petty to bring it up just to prove you were correct. I’m done listening to this podcast.
  • sqsmith35
    Liars and deniers
    Why do you insist on putting the presidents liars and deniers. He didn’t say ProudBoys are you kidding me. This Both sideisms on everything is hurting our country!
  • cambi2125
    Great work!
    I do not always like everything said, but that should happen with good journalism. I appreciate the honesty and the effort to point out why the media report the way they do. Do not be discouraged. Always enjoy and love Front Row At The Trump Show! 😉
  • TCrab_LA
    You’re making this about yourselves
    This episode of defending your use of the word, “lie” is a pointless exercise. Stop explaining yourself. Just report and don’t apologize. It’s boring; and this podcast is a bit dull. Just get into the politics.
  • W9KEN
    Good Cast
    Jonathan is courageous journalist and reporter. You are not a disgrace to anyone or anything. Thank you for doing a good and speaking truth to this moronic POTUS.
  • t-town nurse
    I’m so glad y’all have a podcast!! Love it!
  • Benonsiesta
    This podcast should be renamed “Milquetoast Politics” after the 8/28/20 monumentally incompetent inability to pierce the filibuster of Kentucky A.G. Daniel Cameron. Shame on you.
  • ranko1974
    Weak Journalism
    If you want soft ball question with hardly any push back from Klein & Karl then this is the pod for you!
  • ToneTone541
    Audio is horrendous
    The content is great but the audio is wild! It sounds like someone is slurping in the background. I almost puked listening to the August 17, 2020 episode.
  • sweetgin214
    My new favorite
    My new favorite political podcast I love Jonathan Karl
  • Bob Smith again
    Terrible show
    Terrible show - very one sided and anti-Trump. I have been listining for a long time - finally had my fill of biased anti-Trump opinion. I just Unsubscribed!
  • Sacata50
    Great work
    You both do an excellent job, thanks
  • 5948jk
    Joni Erest
    Embracing interview with this major explainer is Joni Ernest.
  • Milt Haynes
    Kudos to the Fifth Estate
    Character assassination is a dirty trick. Newt Gingrich took an unnecessarily aggressive posture when he hung up on the call. Kudos to you and ABC News for leaving in the full interview. I’m sorry the interview ended this way, but on one hand, Newt was right. The white house press corps asks a lot of circuitous questions that put politicians on the spot. You put Newt on the spot and even though you opted to full disclosure, he didn’t. He was there to publicize his book. You wanted to get him on the record in regards to his character assassination of the press. Both sides need to take a break and stop shoveling muck on each other. We need to call a truce and get back our American spirit. United we stand. Divided we fall. Why can’t we all get along? During these troubled times, we desperately need a free press. The press is NOT the enemy of the people. It is our last defense as you speak truth to power, better than our elected officials. Please keep doing what you’re doing, but do it in a way that doesn’t leave bitter feelings and a breakdown in communication.
  • FakePodcast
    Completely biased
    After the review of Mueller’s testimony your Podcasts has lost all credibility I’ve never heard anything more biased
  • popcorn9707
    Unbiased good news source
    I love listening to this podcast to start out my day! I find it an unbiased source to learn about things going on in the world!! Great way to get caught up on things going on in the news!!
  • mikeamychris
    Politics or Baseball?????
    Very biased reporting. If president Trump brought us world peace, your network would still find something wrong. I also thought I subscribed to a politics podcast not baseball.
  • fmwk
    Slanted reductionist analysis. Should be better. The 2 journalists can be better.
  • buttsteak buildabear
    Pretty basic news that isn’t biased. They seem to go out of their way to avoid controversy which is weird for the news. Good stuff
  • barbaralynn56
    Not always enjoyable to listen to political podcasts but it is interesting to listen to experienced reporter question todays politicians.
  • Sinfonica!cc
    Fox News or ABC???
    Am I listening to a Fox News podcast? Fred Luntz really? Could you find a more partisan guest with no rebuttal? Karl’s a GOP booster and it shows.
  • Disappointed in WNYC
    Great episode!
    Loved 81 Documents. Exciting to have Lana Zak host with Rick, glad to hear a woman’s take on divided government.
  • njmegacreep
    Many better options to choose from.
    Podcasts are my main source of news and entertainment. I first subscribed to this podcast because of an ad on another ABC podcast I love, Start Here. The topics and analysis are pretty shallow and boring. NPR politics, FiveThirtyEight, Politico Top Stories and Politico’s Nerdcast are great podcasts for political analysis.
  • LarryFlick
    What happened?
    As a reporter and a diehard fan of this podcast, I have to say that I astonished by the passive way that Karl and Klein let the freshman Congresswoman prattle on for several minutes at a time without even somewhat answering their questions. It was passive and embarrassing. Most importantly, it was a waste of listeners’ time. In a field crowded political podcasts, you can’t slack. Wake up, fellas!
  • ChowderBox
    New theme music
    SO MUCH BETTER! Thank you for the change 😉🙃
  • NJIL00
    Gone down hill
    Originally found this a good podcast focused on level headed analysis esp from presidential press pool. Addition of Mary Alice Parks has really changed that. Her bias’ are way too clear. If I want that I’d listen to Hannity. Prob will unsubscribe.
  • mlittyyttilm
    Sports and politics
    If you want to waste data downloading a politics feed to hear a whole cast about baseball, this is the podcast for you.
  • JZpoint
    No fake news here
    This is a great insiders podcast. They seem to know what they are talking about.
  • Weezy6831
    Thanks guys!!
    Love that this feels real and delivers facts. John and Rick are a great pair and it keeps me up to date, but not in an overwhelming way. Thanks guys :)
  • OskiFan
    Good podcast
    I appreciate your analysis and guests. Do you not have a studio? Doors opening and closing, background talk and other background noise in the 5/14/18 episode. A bit distracting. But otherwise I appreciate your good work.
  • raccoon12
    These guys call themselves journalists!
    These guys are more than half way to a great podcast but unfortunately are brain dead potatoes who, (unfortunately) like most Americans, lack the ability to think critically and ask hard (or even mildly difficult) questions. They never have a rebuttal for their guests. They simply provide a platform for whomever is on the show. Spineless. The world needs less magnification of talking points and more pressing for factual basis. I’m ashamed for these two. They call themselves journalists! Hahaha
  • AK.steve
    Softball Questions and No Fact Checking
    Just listened to interview with Joe diGenova. I was appalled by the lack of follow up questions and calling him out on his false and misleading statements. They never confronted him with the facts. "News" needs fact checkers and reporters that hold people accountable for misleading statements. If I wanted unfettered propaganda, I would listen to FoxNews.
  • talkwalker
    Love these guys!
    Always look forward to when I see a new episode in my feed.
  • glenng3
    My Staples
    This podcast is one of my staples. Jonathan Karl is respected by his peers and by me.
  • Bible-reader1
    Don J Trump has religious convictions
    Don J Trump a religious Christian? Give me a break! Name a historical Biblical figure Trump reminds of... he persecutes the poor!
  • Spectrum Brewmaster
    Ok but not great.
    If you want to listen to political talk with a "lean" then this one might be for you. There are better ones that avoid partisanship if you look. Having Chris Christie on your show as a contributor is a significant downgrade in quality.
  • Flahooley
    All men in a world that needs women's voices too
    This is an OK political analysis. But I really find it crazy that they don't include women's voices. The only woman on the episode I listend to was an ad for a podcast about women. Women aren't some crazy special interest group; we're more than half the population. We shouldn't be segregated to women's shows; our voices are relevant to the conversation.
  • CrimsonKing75
    I Love These Guys!
    Great content, great commentary, great access, great guests, and the dynamic between Jon and Rick is informative, engaging, and entertaining! Thanks for this podcast, guys. Keep up the great work!
  • ByronHolloway
    Clear and Concise
    I listen every week !
  • kmschneid
    Cannot listen to Corey Lewandowski Promote all these crooks as great people.
  • FieldsCorner
    jon and rick let their hair down
    Well, they're very slightly more casual than on the evening news. Just as smart and insightful, though. Love this podcast.
  • DwarfGrumbles
    Well done.
    A refreshingly even-handed show in an era where much journalism has retuned to its blatantly partisan 18th and 19th Century roots. Well done, folks. Informative and engaging. I wish the regular ABC evening news broadcast contained a similar proportion of substance to hyperbole as your political podcast, but I suppose it must adapt to the market conditions to maintain viewership. Hyperbolic times, alas.
  • kcd66026384
    More than just soundbites
    Love the program! It allows itself some format flexibility, and provides a discussion on the latest political news, without the usual partisan spin.
  • Mellon95
    Decent podcast
    Disgusted by the questions asked to Pence. Houston is devastated and trying to ask Pence gotcha questions on immigration. Up until this one I thought this podcast was pretty balanced.
  • PrimeTimeLAU4
    Love it
    Great show, I really like it! My only criticism is the volume. The music/commercials are really loud but the show content is not as loud so I have to max out the volume to listen, plus make sure I lower it for commercials.
  • BillKnittle2017
    Tougher Questioning
    Let me start by saying I really enjoy your podcast. However, your interview with the new RNC chairperson was, in my opinion, lacking in challenge. She said a number of things that were untrue, both about the current and former administration, and she also took questions about the current administration and answered them about the former. A standard Republican talking point of late, it seems. My objection is that you two let her do it, without challenging her inaccurate answers or stopping her diatribe and bringing her back to the question asked. I look forward to you insight and analysis as the next situation unfolds. Thanks for what you're doing.
  • DougPortland
    Music volume
    The podcast hosts frequently fail to challenge guests. Today was a particularly egregious example with the head of the RNC. Also, I like the music, it's just louder than everything else in the podcast. I cringe every time I hit play.
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