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JLMiraldiLeVar Never Misses!!I grew up on reading Rainbow 🌈 so it’s nice to hear Mr. LeVar Burton reading to us again 😜 seriously though he’s a great storyteller. Love it!
KD HuffLove this podcastHow am I just now finding this podcast?! I have always enjoyed LeVar’s acting, especially in TNG, and am thoroughly enjoying his reading selections and characterizations. Thank you Mr. Burton!
Cheribee 🐝Reading rainbowLevar, I have loved you since Roots. Thought you were a natural teacher on reading rainbow. I am excited to see you doing this wonderful podcast
David the PilotThe Best for Short StoriesI love the short story format for literature, so I sought to find a fiction podcast. The ones I found seemed to focus more on erudition, trendiness, or hip mindset— at the expense of good storytelling. Then I found LeVar Burton Reads. Aside from his wonderful voice, he knows how to pick good short stories. And they are plentiful: I’m afraid I’m still years in arrears as he keeps adding more. Given his background, they tend to trend toward fantasy or science fiction elements, but we all need some escapism.
Lyra Espositoamazing show!!This show is amazing and I TOTALY recommend it! Levar turns a great story into even better story. He is a great story teller and has an amazing voice. I normally am not able to listen/read many books more than twice but this podcast makes it so easy to listen to a story over and over. Thank you Levar!!!!
JewtopiaA Must Listen!*this podcast ended 5/7/24* As a child of the 80’s Levar Burton has been a part of my tv watching since I could walk. From Reading Rainbow to Star Trek and more. I was so happy to find that he had made this podcast. It’s reminiscent of Reading rainbow but for adults. Most of the stories are Sci-Fi or fantasy but there are certainly ones about family, trauma and just an ordinary day. It has helped me discover new authors such as NK Jemesin and old ones like Shirley Jackson. Levar’s soothing voice and the immersive remixes makes this a podcast you can listen to in the car or soaking in the tub (yes I’ve done this) with your eyes closed. I can’t recommend this enough!
AGibbons69Amazing!Brings me back to the good old days of reading rainbow. Amazing podcast!!! Shared it to all of the socials <3
Diamondlil288All will be wellThere just is absolutely nothing better than listening to Levar Burton read stories. The most all-will-be-well-and-all-will-be-well-and-all-manner-of-thing-will-be-well feeling one can hope for in this crazy world, and the pinnacle of technology, as far as I’m concerned.
Susan Trishel MonsonButterfly in the sky…This entire series, especially the last episode and the news of receiving The National Humanités Medal is a stellar gift that will live on forever, thank you. Yes, @itswelwheaton I too am not crying… ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ty TrullFormative nostalgiaReading has been the bedrock of my inner life as long as I can remember, especially from shows like reading rainbow. What An amazing extension of that to stumble on as an adult, to explore new stories again.
NessiebvUse to be obsessed with this podcastI know everyone is entitled to their opinion but after listening to the episode that aired 11/23/23 Where Levar discusses Donald Trump ruined this podcast for me. I’ll no longer be listening. If you like the way things have been run politically for the last 3+ years then I can no longer listen to anything you read/recommend. Keeping your political thoughts to yourself might be best for your show or maybe you just don’t want/like Donald Trump supports listening. ✌🏽
My-MysMommyLove itGreat podcast. His soothing & nostalgia-inducing voice enhances each short story he reads to the listener. Then the way he quickly breaks it down at the end to discuss the deeper meaning or the reason he likes it is just comforting somehow. Absolutely love this podcast!
KgdeeBittersweet…I just found out about this podcast from listening to your interview with Audie Cornish on her podcast, but wait…WHAT??!! This is the last episode of your last season…ugh. Well, the good news is you left a nice long catalog. And I’ll look forward to you next permutation. Love and Peace my brother. PS Loved the interview…so positive!
SlothsSwimWeirdHuh?Feels like familyI still hold a grudge that a host from one show never said my name in her mirror, but Reading Rainbow never let me down! This is like comfort food, a family reunion, when your pop pop reads to you and you feel safe and warm.
IncaLadybugWhat a gift!Thank you, LeVar Burton, for this precious gift! 🥰
Trying to succeedMy Favorite Anti-Stress ToolThe stories are intriguing and Levar Burton’s voice pulls me into them. I can just zone out and relax. It resets my mind and takes away my stress.
Loved teachingI recommend it to all my friendsAlthough I’m retired, I used to show this program every single day after lunch to my first grade children. They absolutely learned so much. It was such a calming show. It breaks my heart that in the state of Florida some of the books have been banned. I love, knowing that some of the old reading shows are now on PBS retro.
meninoebomLevar has done it againThis show is not just a lovingly curated collection of stories read by a skilled and inspired actor. It is a meditation, an exploration on the story of life and the life of stories. If I could only listen to one podcast, this would be it.
KayBoogieFreshYou Don’t Have to Take My Word For It… (But you should)This podcast got me through so. Many. HARD. Times. Reading Rainbow used to be my favorite show growing up & because of Levar Burton I not only love to read I also love Star Trek🖖🏾. When I happened across this podcast on a rough day seeking to turn my brain off for a while & focus on something outside myself I cried the first time I did the deep breath with Levar at the beginning. This podcast has continued to provide a mental & spiritual cleansing regularly that I did not expect from listening to a plethora of short stories about different people, cultures, topics, & environments. I often go back to my favorite stories & recommend this podcast to family & friends by telling them “It’s like Reading Rainbow for adults, except better, and I didn’t think that was possible.” Thank you so much Uncle Levar for not only sharing these stories that you love, and I’ve come to love too, but for the lifelong impact you’ve had on me & my children’s lives.
DanDMan73Best Story Telling PodcastLevar is a master storyteller, but what is more, his genuine passion for these stories. He loves doing it and it shows which makes the experience all the more better. I'm saddened that this ended a few months back, but I want to thank Levar for sharing his gift of storytelling with us. My gratitude. I loved them all. Dan
CMJ682Love you!I will miss you and this podcast. I hope we will see and/or hear you doing other projects. Thank you!!!!
mistyseventytwoJust found this!!Just found this podcast like several others on here and so sad to find out it ended in May 2024! Please, Mr. Burton, come back to us!!
kimme AListen too lateI just found this podcast yesterday! I am so sad that this ended! I hope LeVar Burton continues to do more readings and podcasts!
LadyAramisBrilliant PodcastI happened to come across this podcast recently, and I am so very grateful I did. I am home on maternity leave, and I’m glad I have found something to keep my mind engaged while tending a newborn and house that isn’t mindless television or phone scrolling. The stories are thought provoking and well written, Levar’s reading of the stories is engaging and the music is a perfect accompaniment to really get you immersed in the tale. In fact, this podcast has reignited my creativity and has inspired me to start writing again very soon (I have some ideas buzzing around). I also have gotten my husband hooked and he listens before bed every night. A short story I’d love to hear you read is “Here Be Dragons” by Laurell K Hamilton. Thank you for this brilliant podcast and I can’t wait for the next season.
AllThatJas!Truly TherapeuticNow, that I know where the end is, I am afraid to listen too fast. This is the first podcast that I feel better about myself after listening…like I’ve done something edifying by tuning in. Levar Burton is a genuine source of good in this world.
Reba MoonLevar changed my life…I am so excited to listen to this podcast every time a new episode is released. That voice and all the interesting information Levar imparts is what made my childhood so wonderful. I’m so happy I can continue to learn with Levar. My love of reading was cultivated in large part by Reading Rainbow and now I get to hear Levar read to me as an adult too. Thank you for changing my life Lavar!
CJ NilesLove you Brother!Thank you for sharing your heart and love with us ♥️ I’ll continue to follow you wherever you go!
AntdaonedaSimply the bestBetter than all the rest.
kayro321Thank you Levar BurtonSome people just put good things into the world. You, Lavar Burton, are one of those people. Thank you for yet another wonderful thing to inspire people.
africa_3All great things come to an endI’ve followed the show almost since the beginning, loved the themes and esp the story telling. Levars love of reading definitely shows and draws you in. I’m sad to see the show end but excited to see what’s next. Thank you
LghtbrwnThank you!!Thank you Lavar for the many years of service to storytelling and education! I grew up watching Reading Rainbow. I listen to your sleep story on Calm almost nightly with my son and love listening to this podcast. It has been an honor to live through and share your legacy with my own children now. You have had such an effect on several generations and remind us all that reading truely is fundamental. Thank you for it all. 😀
dsudancerReading Rainbow for adults 💙Thank you, LeVar, for your influence on my entire life now. Thank you for the hope, the expansion, the love, and the care in which you deliver each story and pass on to those who listen.
( jason )He’s the best in the businessBut you don’t have to take my word for it
Sidi2056Sorry it is ending-not fairI’m sorry to see Lavar‘s podcast ending. I have really enjoyed it and I hope that you’ll change your mind and keep it going, please.
chris1993ellisThank you, LeVarThanks LeVar for doing this show and continuing to find new ways to help the world embrace the importance of reading and storytelling. I’m probably from about the last generation of kids who remembers watching Reading Rainbow. The memories are very distant, but I recall enjoying the show a lot. As for this podcast, lI was shocked and saddened to hear when turning on the last episode that it was that. I regret that I hadn’t frequented this show as much as I should have. I took it for granted and now it’s over. But everything has its end, and we can always go back and revisit the nearly two hundred wonderful stories LeVar brought to us. As the world keeps getting scarier and less certain, pilot lights of hope like LeVar and his shows are crucial. Here’s hoping that we can all take the gift LeVar gave us and do what we can to champion storytelling, equality and literacy for all kids. The Reading Rainbow is all of ours and we have the responsibility to carry on its mission. “But don’t take my word for it!”
SkiBum92Always a treatMr. Burton is a national treasure. This podcast is a joy. Impeccably read, wonderfully produced. Highly, highly recommended!
mssarah50“If you’re ready, let’s take a deep breath…and begin.”This show got me through the pandemic. I especially needed the deep breath at the start of each episode. Thank you for this wonderful gift of story time for adults! It introduced me to several new authors I wouldn’t have otherwise sought out.
Zella🐝Love Everything About ThisI have always loved Levar Burton having grown up with Reading Rainbow. I’m saddened that I can’t find it anywhere so my children can enjoy it as well. Either way I was experiencing horrible insomnia when I stumbled across this podcast in 2019. I listened to the first episode and felt myself relax enough to sleep! Now I will listen to it all day to calm my anxiety or make it through road trips or even study for my Masters. I have purchased books by authors he has read on here and love how he brings so many different cultures to us with the stories. My daughter wants to write a story that Levar will one day read before he retires the show 😊. Thank you for all you do.
redwitch713if levar is reading it i am listeninglevar you have one of my top all time favorite voices & i have been listening to the podcast from the very first trailer - because it was like a dream come true. i grew up with reading rainbow & it at least in part i truly believe is why i love to read, & read to others, so much / the show left a huge impression; i can still recall almost every book & hear it in my head. so i was beyond excited when i stumbled on the announcement about this podcast starting because now as an adult i could read with you again. thank you for being who you are & doing this for all of us listening, please don’t ever stop. (of course, i know now that the podcast is ending & i am so sad but the stories you’ve read will always exist just like those from reading rainbow & that’s almost as good…or will have to be / thank you.) it took me so long time to write a review because i didn’t know how to in any way sum up how phenomenal it is to hear the stories you’re reading, & your thoughts about the story choices which are always so personal & poignant, etc. too, but then i figured just to share the love as it were & recommend this podcast to anyone & everyone who might read this review. i very much doubt they will regret it.
SFXS2020The best podcastThese are my bedtime stories. Absolutely love Levar and this show
8757882783948654Best story tellerBest memories of school are when rainy days sent us inside to reading rainbow, now your podcast sends me to that same amazing place of visualizing a story with deep meanings that your wonderful narration guides us through - I’ll miss this pause in my life you bring. Thank you
Bbrown718I will miss LeVarI just heard LeVar is ending this podcast. I will seriously miss this special part of my life.
SheHappiI don’t know where to go from here🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹….Love everything about this show!
AndreT3000So great!Always makes me stop and think. Which is much appreciated in a day today filled with chores, commutes, work, and chores. It stimulates stop and think and wonder and ponder and imagine and relate. So, thank you. Much appreciated.
TSAR1234OutstandingThank you ! Thank you for taking the the time out to read to us and I enjoy sitting back and relaxing to the sound of your voice. I have recommended you to all my friends!
AcquaboogyThis Can’t Be Goodbye 😢I had tears in my eyes when I learned this week’s episode would be the last. I know I can go back and re-listen to the episodes, but I want more. 😭When I had trouble sleeping at night or felt anxious during my day, I knew I could come here to find a moment of escape, adventure, and peace. Your voice brought calm to my day. Thank you for sharing your love for short stories. ❤️
Eb83KAwesomeThe stories are fantastic and I have used them to establish a new bedtime routine. No TV. Screen light on nothing and 20 minutes of a fantastic story before bed.
CcandsweetpeaMy new favorite!Wether it is the soothing sound of LaVar Burton’s voice, or the engaging stories he reads, this is my new favorite podcast!
KycleLove this!Enjoy the stories. Have always felt comforted by your voice. I used to watch reading rainbow with my son when he was young. This is an incredible find! Thank You!
HeckaStephLove + suggestionI always set aside time to enjoy this podcast; the stories are always interesting and inclusive and I love Levar's insights and observations. I'd love to see Levar read something from Transmogrify, it's a collection of fantasy short stories by and about trans people.
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